Saturday, August 1, 2015

Milky Way Map Shows That the Stars Are on the Move -

The Draw of the Milky Way

Stargazing is often thought to be something lovers would do on a date or something of a hobby, but astronomers and scientists of all kinds make their careers out of it every day.

The beauty of the Milky Way is one that is otherworldly. That’s what makes the Milky Way so fascinating.

The Map of the Milky Way

Therefore it is no surprise that scientists put together a map of the Milky Way for observational purposes. However, a recent press release announced some new findings that the map of the Milky Way revealed. The map showed researchers that the stars are on the move in the Milky Way. From the information collected, about thirty percent of the stars in the Milky Way had moved from their original birth origin. Of course ever curious, the team went on to study the finding and later published the results in the Astrophysical Journal on the 29th of July, just a few days ago.

The findings

The very idea of stars being on the move is odd, but the stars are on the move.

They move like anything else in the universe, on an orbit. Although, the new findings suggest that it can change that quite drastically. To get a better idea of how the stars are on the move, they created a new map of the Milky Way which showed the aforementioned percent of stars that have moved. This goes to show you just how much the universe changes every day, even when you are not looking. However, why the stars are moving is still not easily answered, but the positioning of the stars could be attributed to a star getting closer or farther away from the center of the galaxy as it ages. But for those who are a fan of the spirals of the Milky Way, this could mean that it could potentially alter that appearance. More data still needs to be collected to get a better understanding of the finding. So the wait is on to see what else about why the stars are on the move reveals to us.


Bring a little outer-space into your home with Space Scouts Summer Adventure!

Milky Way Map Shows That the Stars Are on the Move

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