Monday, August 24, 2015

Star Wars" BB8 is Real and It Costs Only $150! - #BB8 #StarWars #Sphero

Fans following the release of the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens movie have already fallen in love with BB8—the cute little “ball-droid” that can be seen rolling around for a few seconds in the teaser trailer, which you can watch here. With just a few seconds of screen time, BB8 became an internet sensation, as debates involving its literal “roll” in the newest Star Wars installment– is it a real robot? If so, how does it work? Do we owe the adorable new droid’s presence to computer generated graphics? All of these questions and more will be answered. Patience, young Padawan.

BB8 is Real…

During a Q&A panel with new Star Wars director J.J. Abrams last April, BB8 shocked the audience by rolling out to greet its thousands of admirers in person (watch the video here). Its presence silenced skeptics of the robot’s existence, and sparked the imaginations of millions.

…And Cheap to Own!

Thanks to a leaked photo on the online toy store Fat Brain Toys, plans to release BB8 this holiday season were revealed. The remote-control toy will cost upwards of $150, and will be ready to interact with a variety of different apps and obstacles, which will be released with the toy. With the release of BB8 this holiday season, Disney plans to blur the lines between our reality, and that of Star Wars’.

How Does it Work?

The brains behind the robot’s design comes from Sphero –a robotics team that has already specialized in spherical robot technology for years. When Sphero’s team of engineers learned of Disney’s plans to make new installments for the Star Wars franchise , they immediately contacted Abrams, who was already on the hunt for new technology. Together, they came up with BB8: a robot with a dome-like head, similar to the famous R2D2’s , which sits on top of a remote-controlled, spherical robot. The ball underneath its head can roll around in all directions, while the head remains levitating on top—a trick involving advanced magnetic and electronic technology.

Shut Up and Take My Money!

Can’t wait for the holidays to own your very own BB8? Try and make one yourself!

Not only responsible for creating BB8 as the newest loveable droid in the Star Wars universe, Sphero is perhaps even better known as a toy company that sells remote-controlled, spherical robots. A “Sphero” is a spherical robot that can be programmed using apps to carry out a wide range of functions, and is used to teach kids the powers of coding and programming in fun and creative ways. Watch a video showing Sphero’s full potential here.

Techies already familiar with Sphero’s line of remote controlled spherical robots are already hacking their own “Spheros” to create their own BB8’s, far in advance of its official release (watch a video of someone’s homemade BB8 here). Or, if you’re not really into any of that DIY stuff, you’ll still be able to see BB8 roll its way to the big screen with the release of Star Wars: Episode VII- The Force Awakens, on December 18, 2015.

Here’s another ball-shaped gadget that you can fall in love with:

Star Wars" BB8 is Real and It Costs Only $150!

1 comment:

  1. Star Wars installment– is it a real robot? If so, how does it work? Do we owe the adorable new droid’s presence to computer generated graphics? All of these questions and more will be answered. Patience, young Padawan.. bb8 droid for sale
