Tuesday, January 5, 2016

NASA and Mars One Could Use This VR Sex Toy for Astronauts - http://clapway.com/2016/01/05/this-vr-sex-toy-could-be-used-by-nasa-and-mars-one-for-their-astronauts-123/

Virtual reality has a lot of applications, especially when it comes to space. NASA’s team at ISS has been contemplating the use of virtual reality to link Houston to the International Space Station. One day they could also get VR sex toys on board.

Life in Space Is Pretty Boring for NASA Astronauts Clapway

Life in Space Is Pretty Boring for NASA Astronauts

Let’s face it – there’s not a lot to do at the International Space Station. When astronauts are on missions for an extended amount of time, they risk a lot of things. Astronauts are always in danger of bone and muscle mass loss, impaired senses motion sickness. In a more realistic sense, they also are pretty limited in the pleasure department.

The Way Out of a Sticky Situation is This VR Sex Toy

There’s very little movement around ISS, which limits privacy. But the truth is people have needs. And now that VR is coming into the picture, it’s possible that the eJaculatr becomes part of the equation. This gadget is a VR sex toy made up of a silicon sleeve that can be inserted into male genitalia. Paired with a VR headset, users can go into the app and browse for adult content. Once they pick their show, they can just sit back and relax. The eJaculator does everything else for them.

How Would This VR Sex Toy Work With Microgravity?

If this were to actually happen, NASA and Mars One would have to straighten out how the device could be adjusted to work in the astronaut’s environments. Becoming properly aroused is difficult in microgravity. Bodies that are suspended in microgravity have blood flow directed mostly to the chest and head. If the device was adjusted to fit the conditions, astronauts could go through with long-term missions without sacrificing sexual health.

Engaging in actual sexual activity in space is difficult. This has become a predominant issue to NASA and other organizations. Studies have shown that libido levels lower in astronauts while in space. This would be very inconvenient if future missions require long stays in space.

NASA and Mars One Need the eJaculator for Sexual Health Clapway

NASA and Mars One Need the eJaculator for Sexual Health

The only other option is a device like eJaculator. American astronauts currently do not have access to adult content while in space. This VR sex toy could help preserve sexual health in astronauts and could clue NASA into its effects on the astronaut and on the environment. Not to mention it would be a lot cleaner and easier than the alternative.

The team behind eJaculator are also working on a version for women. This will surely be announced once the eJaculator properly launches into the market. Until then, NASA should consider this side of human nature.


NASA and Mars One Could Use This VR Sex Toy for Astronauts

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