Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tesla May Soon Become Self-Driving just like Google Car -

Tesla Motors released an update for its Model S. It improves the already existing autopilot feature and allows the car to park by itself. This software update will allow owners to instruct their car to drive in and out parking spaces. They can do so by using the provided fob. The new features indicate that Tesla’s product is getting closer to Google’s Self-Driving car.

Tesla Self-Driving Clapway


The car will use its standard hardware. This includes cameras and the bumpers’ sensors, which came with every model built since October 2014. The vehicle will also be able to auto open garage doors if needed!

If the Model S includes a garage door opener connected through a “HomeLink” connection. If it is linked to the garage door the car is capable of opening it on its own. The car can also park in reverse! The company suggested however that users should use the auto-parking feature only in private areas and not on public roads yet. This featur is still in Beta and testing.


Car manufacturer giant BMW introduced a similar feature in its newest 7-series. However it requires the owner to guide the car into the parking spot manually. The machine will not take care of it on its own.


This interesting update from Tesla brings the company’s project one step closer to Google. The company has been working for months on the “Self-Driving Car Project” and its aim is to introduce a car which drives autonomously. In May 2014, Google introduced its concept of driverless car which did not include steering wheel and pedals. It unveiled a functioning stereotype of it last December. Google’s product was recently tested in California and the company plans on making it available to the public from 2020.

Google’s product is 100 percent autonomous. This means that the functions recently introduced by Tesla were already included in the company’s Self-Driving Project. Car manufacturers are slowly adding features to their existing products (through a software update in this case). This is increasing the chances of competition with Google in the near future.

Tesla May Soon Become Self-Driving just like Google Car

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