Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top 5 Apps to Help You Meet Your 2016 Fitness Goals - http://clapway.com/2016/01/05/top-5-apps-help-meet-2016-fitness-goals/

We’ve all had that resolution to work out more in the New Year and then by January 7th the excuses pile up, the gyms overcrowded, or we become too busy. There are so many apps to help you stick to those fitness goals, be it cutting calories, getting more cardio, or changing up your routine. Constantly getting reminders on your phone daily will make it much harder to skip your workout. Below are the best apps we’ve found to help you stick to and meet those healthy goals:

Healthy Goals Clapway

Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal

Use this app if you’re tracking calories (which you should be) when you’re trying to lose weight this New Year. You can scan the barcodes on your food so it’s quick and will force you to write down the calories in that triple chocolate chip muffin you inhaled. Tracking your calories will help you see where you’re wasting calories on unnecessary binges and will force you to be accountable for your cheat days.


This app lets you track all your fitness from running to cycling to hiking and has great reviews in the App store for iPhones and Androids. Sometimes we think we’re working out harder and burning more calories than we really are, so using a fitness tracker is a great way to push yourself during your workout to meet your goals.

Jefit Workout exercise trainer

If you’re more into weight training and tracking your reps this is the app for you. This takes the place of carrying around a piece of paper to write down your reps and you can check how many you did on previous days. This app also lets you create personalized workout routines and syncs to your computer. You can choose from goals like six pack abs, or building muscle or stamina.

Fitstar Personal Trainer

This app is best if you don’t have time to go to the gym or if you’re more comfortable working out at home. It is branded as a personal trainer for your phone, but for a fraction of the cost (7.99 per month). The app can even tell you how many more push ups to do or how long to hold that plank based on how wobbly you are and based on your body stats.

Fitstar Personal Trainer Clapway


This app is mostly self-explanatory. If you’re having trouble pushing yourself to reach your goals you can sign up for a coach to text you along the way, offer suggestions, and then check your progress. This app isn’t only for fitness and can be used for a number of things you may need coaching on, from improving your happiness and relationships to learning a new skill. If you don’t want to pay for the fee for a live coach you can still use the app for free to track habits and get support from their community.


Top 5 Apps to Help You Meet Your 2016 Fitness Goals

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