Wednesday, July 29, 2015

5 Uncommon Pets That People Actually Have -

These animals aren’t exactly weird, you just don’t see them in the everyday household. You typically see dogs, cats, and fish, maybe a lizard or snake. I’ve even had several friends who have ferrets, and they’re only the cutest little animals ever. And for the sake of bringing it up, I have a neighbor who has a pet sheep. I know livestock isn’t uncommon, but we live in a neighborhood full of duplexes, and the sheep lives in the house with her (wearing a diaper). To each their own! However, you should definitely check your state laws before investing in an exotic pet…

Here are 5 uncommon animals that actually make great pets:


Capybara – If you love your little guinea pig family, but want to add a new addition, you might think outside the box and try this big guy, a cousin to your little furry friends! This is definitely one of the more uncommon pets I’ve read about.


Skunk – You probably think this is crazy, but they’ve been kept as pets since the 20th Century. It’s best when you can raise them so they become more domestic, and when they do, they’re very catlike. Just don’t forget to remove their scent glands!


Octopus – To me, this is one of the most uncommon pets I’ve read about. Thanks to Clapway reader, Denise, I recently learned that there are actually several species of octopus that are actually kept as pets. There are even forums dedicated to octopus owners with tips for upkeep of their environment, among other relevant information.


Sloth – I had no idea you could keep a sloth as a pet. These animals are so unique and are very popular right now. Apparently, they are very affectionate and loving.


Fennec Fox – Seriously, how cute is this guy?! They stay pretty small and are very smart creatures that can be trained to use a litter box.

Before owning one of these uncommon pets, make sure to do your research to find out whether or not you can have them in your state, or even in your living environment. I think my next pet will be the Fennec Fox. Which of these would you like to own?


Seriously too cute. Selfie Sticks for the selfies you’ll want to take with your pets:

5 Uncommon Pets That People Actually Have

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