Monday, August 31, 2015

The results of a recent study point to risky, #impulsiveness and agitated nervousness as warning signs of a high #suicide risk in people suffering from #depression. -

The results of a recent study from the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) point to risky, impulsive behaviors and agitated nervousness as warning signs of a high suicide risk in people suffering from depression.

In the study, led by Dr. Dina Popovic of the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, researchers worked with over 2,800 people with depression, almost 630 of which had attempted suicide. Popovic’s team conducted in-depth interviews with each patient, looking especially to identify differences between those who had attempted suicide and those who had not.

The in-depth interviews are important because, according to Popovic, most of the key symptoms that indicate high suicide risk “will not be spontaneously referred [to] by the patient.” So, “the clinician needs to inquire directly” in order to establish the presence of these behaviors.

What Suicide Risks Look Like

The risky behaviors might include reckless driving or sexual behavior, maybe spontaneous drug use or dangerous drinking. The study defines impulsivity as acting “with little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences.” The nervousness might look like what the study calls “psychomotor agitation”: wringing one’s hands, pacing around the room, pulling clothing off and then putting it back on, etc.

Popovic’s team also identified “depressive mixed states” as signs that might precede suicide attempts. “A depressive mixed state,” she explained, “is where a patient is depressed, but also has symptoms of ‘excitation,’ or mania.” In general, patients who suffer from mixed depression are at a much higher risk of suicide than those without any manic tendencies.

Improving Diagnostic Standards

Dr. Donald Malone, chair of psychiatry and psychology at the Cleveland Clinic in the U.S., concurred with the study’s findings. “It has long been known that those patients with depression who also experience anxiety and/or agitation are more likely to attempt or complete suicide,” he said. He also said that these symptoms can be a clue “that the underlying diagnosis is bipolar depression,” or manic depressive disorder.

So, Popovic’s team also worked to evaluate the current standard criteria for diagnosing depression, which tend to catch only 12 percent of patients with mixed symptoms. They tested criteria that brought that number up to 40 percent, indicating that current diagnostic methods could be doing a much better job of identifying and subsequently treating patients at higher risk of suicide.

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Impulsiveness Might Mean Higher Suicide Risk

In technology news today, #Uber hires #hackers who may help in the development of Uber"s #selfdriving cars. -

Two hackers, Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, will now be getting a job with the Uber Advanced Technologies Center that is headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The duo, hired as security researchers, made headlines earlier this year when they successfully hacked and turned off a car engine while it was still in motion. They also managed to hack into the entertainment system of a Jeep Cherokee that they had purchased together.

Uber Hires Hackers to Secure Employee Vehicles - Clapway


A spokesperson for Uber stated that Valasek and Miller will be working with the company’s top security officers to continue to build a high class safety program at Uber. Valasek and Miller are the same security researchers behind some of the most notorious car-hacking studies to date, and working at Uber is their next automotive challenge. Charlie Miller, who has developed a reputation for hacking Apple devices, tweeted that he was looking forward to starting his new job.

At the moment, robotic experts from Carnegie Mellon University work on automation technology and maps in the Uber center in San Francisco. Uber’s chief executive officer has stated that he hopes that Uber will be a self driving fleet one day. If this does happen, it’s very likely that Valasek and Miller will assist in the development of Uber’s autonomous cars.


Their efforts with Jeep, coordinated with manufacturer Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, promoted the first vehicle recall to protect drivers from potentially malicious hacking. The event led to the recall of over 1.4 million Chrysler vehicles.


This news comes only a few days after Uber announced a partnership with the University of Arizona, one that will further develop the technology of autonomous vehicles. This is something that Uber has been working on for a number of months now.

Interested in more technology related news and product reviews? Check out Clapway Trends for the latest updates:

Uber Hires Hackers to Secure Employee Vehicles

Landing in Anchorage on August 31, 2015, #BarackObama became the first sitting president in 15 years to make a formal visit to #Alaska to discuss #climatechange. -

Landing in Anchorage on August 31, 2015, Barack Obama became the first sitting president in 15 years to make a formal visit to Alaska. He will also become the first president to visit Arctic Alaska, flying to the Inuit village of Kotzebue, which is being overtaken by ice melt and soil erosion. And he is arguably the first president ever to visit this Alaska, a hotter, wetter, and faster-changing Alaska than the world has ever known, whose melting glaciers, crumbling permafrost, rising seas, and eroding shores are threatening Alaskans’ livelihoods.

Far from a damper on his visit, the impacts of climate change are the central purpose of Obama’s trip to The Last Frontier: as a jarring visual capstone to his month devoted to climate change, and as an out-of-the-way layover to a United Nations climate summit in Paris.

(He also officially restored North America’s highest mountain, Mt. McKinley, to its original Native American name—Denali.)

You Know Obama Means Business When He Rolls Out WhiteHouse.Gov/Climate-Change

In early August, the Obama Administration proposed a new plan of action to combat climate change: the Clean Power Plan. It’s even got its own website with cool infographics and videos! Proving that he did his homework, Obama discusses how power plants generate far more carbon than any other source in the U.S., and—you wouldn’t believe it!—the federal government has never placed any limits on power plant carbon emissions, until now.

So is this a really big deal, or a meaningless gesture? Is this the grand finale of a presidency of environmental protection, or an apology note scrawled to Planet Earth after two terms of exploitation and neglect? Let’s explore.

Obama’s Climate Change Policy Has Been Under Fire Since Day One

Throughout his two terms, Obama has never been the darling of environmental activists. His tenure witnessed the extreme expansion of natural gas fracking and offshore drilling around the country; major trade growth and deregulation with countries with bad environmental records, particularly in Asia; and environmental disasters like the BP oil spill and the recent Animas River catastrophe.

In fact, just two weeks before landing in Alaska, Obama approved Shell to drill in the Arctic Ocean, despite the objections of environmentalists and coastal Alaskan communities. Environmental groups are greeting his visit with protests, condemnations of his “self-defeating hypocrisy,” and a campaign to end Arctic drilling (an industry that inconveniently brings many jobs to the state).

Activists highlighting the stains on Obama’s environmental record have every right and responsibility to do so, but they distract people from a somewhat brighter truth. Obama’s climate change policy has certainly not been flawless, but few presidents have paid more attention to the environment than Obama. Obama’s climate change policies have just been more severely scrutinized than any other president’s, giving him an inflated negative reputation.

Condemning Obama’s Climate Change Record is Ahistorical and Unfair

Environmentalists’ standards are stricter than they have ever been before—rightfully so, because our climate’s fate has never been so dire. Obama’s climate change agenda became their focal point not because his policies are so deplorable, but because they are more flexible and receptive than those of any other president.

In other words, environmentalists complain about Obama because they believe that he might actually do something about it. And they should keep complaining, because it works. But to call Obama’s climate change record terrible negates the same hope and expectation that drives environmentalists to complain to Obama in the first place.

Being U.S. President Is Like Driving a Hummer That Gets 1 Mile Per 80 Trillion Gallons of Gas

In 2009, Obama stepped into the driver’s seat of the most wasteful, energy inefficient country in the world—stuck in its deepest trench in decades. If he hadn’t laid on the gas to get us out of the trench, then millions of Americans would still be unemployed, we’d be wasting trillions of dollars to import oil and autos, and he would have lost his 2012 reelection to a climate change denier.

Undeniably, mistakes were made. But when other presidents may have just pushed forward Business As Usual to escape the Recession, Obama saw it as an opportunity to take large-scale baby-steps towards environmental sustainability: he bailed out the automakers while pressuring them to guzzle less gas. He expanded the energy sector, not in cheap and easy coal, but in natural gas, which burns much cleaner than other fossil fuels. He created jobs in wind and solar power, and in recent years, he has rolled out a series of regulations to limit carbon emissions in major industries and the energy sector.

His latest climate action, the Clean Power Plan, outdoes his prior actions in scale and ambition. It is wowing crowds in Alaska, though, environmentalists are still throwing nervous glances towards the encroaching oilrigs off shore.

In Paris, where Obama will be addressing other climate-conscious heads of state who relate to the impossible balancing act of running a country, he is betting on a standing ovation.

Obama’s End-Of-Term Swagger in Alaska: Is Clean Power Plan Just a Cheap Legacy Stunt?

In several ways, Obama is just taking advantage of an easy opportunity to solidify his legacy as a climate president.

The first way is that he is facing an open playing field. What other U.S. President can be considered a champion of climate change? Sometimes we revere Teddy Roosevelt as an environmentalist for founding the National Park system, but this is also the guy who took trips to Africa to shoot a bunch of lions and rhinos. One of the strongest environmental presidents was actually Richard Nixon, but he’s not exactly one for positive legacies. The George W. Bush years and even the Clinton years are starting to be condemned by history as a period of irresponsible growth.

(President Al Gore was not available for comment.)

With few presidents to compete with, Obama’s climate change policy has the opportunity to make history. By simply suggesting an ambitious, long-term climate policy that Obama will have very limited capacity to enact and see through, Obama’s name and legacy will forever paired with the carbon-reducing policies that environmentalists have spent decades fighting for.

Obama is very aware of this. With one foot out the door, he has gone from playing with politics to playing with history.

You could call him selfish, You could say he’s more focused on words on a (web)page than real results. You could call the Clean Power Plan too little too late. But this much is undeniable: Obama has set a presidential precedent for environmental action, for looking at the status quo and saying, “This is unsustainable.”

Obama turned the world’s eyes to Alaska, where the impact of climate change is visible in every drop of water, and legitimized contemporary climate science more than ever before.

Do you think Obama was a good or bad president regarding climate change and environmental policy? Share your thoughts!

Climate change has proven to us why we need to protect the world we live in:

In Alaska For Obama"s Climate Change Legacy

We"re all guilty of this, but #bingewatching #Netflix can cause you to get a fatal #bloodclot. -

According to new research by Japan’s Osaka University, binge watching sessions increase a person’s chance of receiving a fatal pulmonary embolism.

Binge Watching Netflix Tied To Fatal Blood Clots - ClapwayBinge-watchers could be putting themselves in danger by watching entire seasons of TV shows in one sitting. Those who watched at least five hours of television everyday have more than double the risk of getting a fatal pulmonary embolism, compared to people who watch two and a half hours (or less). According to WebMD, a pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that completely stops blood flow and immediately kills the person suffering from it.


At the European Society of Cardiology’s annual conference in London, the research was revealed. A press release by the organization noted that the link was strongest in people less than 60 years old, watching more than five hours of television a day. For these people, the risk of a fatal pulmonary embolism was six-fold. However, for those watching between two and a half and 4.9 hours of TV, the risk was only tripled.

“We showed that prolonged television viewing may be a risky behaviour for death from pulmonary embolism,” Dr. Toru Shirakawa of Osaka University, the project’s lead researcher, said in a statement. “Leg immobility during television viewing may in part explain the finding.”

The study, which was funded by the Japanese government, is the first ever to research a link between fatal pulmonary embolisms and watching television for long periods of time according to Independent Online.


According to the Los Angeles Times, a Deloitte LLP survey about binge watching found that 68% of people polled had binge watched before, with 31% stating that they did so at least once a week. In response, the newspaper has called binge watching “the dominant mode of TV consumption in the US”.


Researchers at Osaka studied 86,000 people over an 18-year period, and calculated health risk after adjusting it to take into account factors like body mass index, menopausal status, smoking, diabetes or hypertension, The Independent pointed out.


“In this era of information technology, use of other visual based media devices such as personal computers or smartphones is popular,” Dr. Shirakawa said. “Prolonged computer gaming has been associated with death from pulmonary embolism but to our knowledge a relationship with prolonged smartphone use has not yet been reported.”

Break free from your binge watching habits with the Pavlok:

Binge Watching Netflix Tied To Fatal Blood Clots

Parents should have had a #booze talk with two-year-old Cheng Cheng. Many of us have heard of him, the world"s youngest alcoholic. He represents the growing problem of #underagedrinking and adolescent #alcohol abuse. -

Parents should have had a booze talk with two-year-old Cheng Cheng. Many of us have heard of him, the world’s youngest alcoholic, known as ‘Little Winebibber’, who shuns milk in exchange for alcohol in China. He first tasted wine on his father’s chopsticks at the age of 10 months and now, he downs bottles of wine and beer in minutes – faster than his parents. Cheng Cheng’s taste for alcohol is extreme yet not uncommon: underage drinking is literally everywhere.

Nine Year-Old Kids Are Ready for the Booze Talk - Clapway

Have the booze talk with kids at age 9

Every day in the United States, more than 4,750 kids under the age of 16 have their first full drink of alcohol; furthermore, the average age at which young people (12-17 years-old) begin to drink is 13 years old. Underage drinking is estimated to account for between 11% and 20% of the U.S. alcohol market and even the lower estimate of 11% represents 3.6 billion drinks each year.

Most of us, at some point, have engaged in similar behaviors. Regardless of the repercussions, alcohol poses a far greater threat to children than many parents or peers care to admit. If you have a 9-year-old, it’s time to have a booze talk – at least according to a new report on underage binge drinking.

Beyond hangovers

A report by the American Academy of Pediatrics states that alcohol is the substance most frequently abused by children and teens. But the true picture is much darker: drinks are linked to the leading causes of death and serious injury, such as accidents, homicides and suicides.

According to Dr. Lorena Siqueira, the co-author of the report, adolescents can face “serious consequences — including death — with their first episode of binge drinking,” mainly due to their smaller frames and their lack of experience with alcoholic beverages.

When children start to think positively about alcohol

Researchers recommend talking with children about drinking before they take their first sip – and before they turn 10. Being exposed to ads for alcoholic beverages, watching role models use alcohol, and even seeing the adults around them drinking causes kids to start thinking positively about booze between the ages of 9 and 13.

Nine Year-Old Kids Are Ready for the Booze Talk - Clapway

In 2014, half of twelfth graders and one in nine eighth graders reported having been drunk at least once in their life, the report found. These kids are influenced by what they see in the world around them, stated Dr. Bennett Leventhal, a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. But are parents ready to talk frankly with their kids about alcohol at such an early age?

Do you think having the booze talk with kids at age 9 is weird? Share your experiences in the comments section below.

If alcohol is your vice, the Pavlok can help you kick your bad habits:

Nine Year-Old Kids Are Ready for the Booze Talk

Like YouTube, #Facebook has a tool to prevent #videopiracy and #freebooting. -

Facebook says it has plans to release tools to publishers that will help tackle the rampant video piracy that occurs thousands of times a day on the social media site.


Facebook and YouTube are going toe-to-toe over online video-supremacy, but YouTube already has a content ID system in place to help prevent copyright infringement, though it has its own slew of problems.


Back in July, Facebook announced that it would finally be sharing ad revenue with content creators, and this has basically opened the floodgate to users pirating content created elsewhere to cash in on the prize. So, Facebook will be giving its users a tool to fight back, and it seems like a slightly more tame version of YouTube’s content ID.

“Our matching tool will evaluate millions of video uploads quickly and accurately, and when matches are surfaced, publishers will be able to report them to us for removal.”

This means that content found by Facebook’s new anti- video piracy system won’t automatically be taken down until reviewed like in the case of YouTube.


Brady Haran is an immensely popular YouTube star who runs a collection of YouTube channels, and boasts over 2 million subscribers collectively. In August, Haran wrote a blog post in complaint of Facebook’s slow response to video piracy — a concept that Haran has coined as freebooting.

Haran is happy that the company has finally stepped up to tackle the problem of video piracy, but still has concerns that the new system won’t catch freebooters in time. Haran told BBC that the first few hours after a video is published is primetime for the video to snag as many views as possible before the gate closes.


The tool isn’t going to be readily available to everyone right out of the gate. Facebook will only be offering it to a “small group of partners” while the company continues to work on the system. Once Facebook feels that the system is ready to go, then it will release the technology to all content creators. Facebook, however, has stated that it was “committed” to solving video piracy on their platform.

For more technology related news and product reviews, check out Clapway Trends:

Facebook Introduces Tool to Stop Video Piracy

For the #UN, this year will be a crucial one in the battle against #climatechange and #globalwarming. Many scientists will tell you that we’re already behind schedule. -

U.N. officials have begun preparatory meetings for the international climate negotiations scheduled to take place in Paris this coming December. The talks are intended to produce an international action agreement for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and effectively addressing the problem of climate change, something the United Nations essentially failed to achieve at its last climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009.

U.N. Gets Down to Business on Climate Change - ClapwayCurrent action plans on climate change expire in 2020. At the Paris talks this December, governments will be expected to create commitments for at least the following decade and ideally beyond.

Delegates from close to 200 nations met Monday in Bonn, Germany to conduct preparatory work for the Paris talks. Already, involved parties have been working with scientists, private sector leaders, and a variety of others in a variety of capacities to continue the work begun in 2009. This week’s session involves cutting down a draft text from a hefty eighty-three pages to something more manageable. There will only be one more five-day preparatory session in October before the Paris negotiations take place in December.

The U.N. is facing a monetary crunch as well as a time crunch on this. U.N. Climate Chief Christiana Figueres told delegates that there was insufficient funding for both the October talks and the COP, the Conference of Parties, the official title of the Paris talks.

“I regret to inform you that we have a deficit now of 1.2 million euros ($1.3 million) just to cover the sessions you have in your calendar,” she said, urging “parties in a position to do so, to contribute.”

Climate Change is Not A New Problem

Copenhagen in 2009 was certainly not the first international attempt to address climate change. Global temperatures have been rising pretty steadily since at least 1900 (Industrial Revolution, anyone?), and environmental scientists and activists have been working to call attention to the problem since the 1970s and 80s.

In 1992, governments convened in Rio de Janeiro and created the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in which governments agree to take action in preventing dangerous climate change. The Rio conference did not, however, specify what actions each government should take.

Rio did effectively set into motion years of negotiations that ultimately resulted in the landmark 1997 Kyoto Protocol, a pact that required worldwide cuts in emissions of around 5% by 2012. International governments signed the agreement into force fully without the help of the United States. Then-Vice President Al Gore signed the treaty, but it was never ratified by Congress. President George W. Bush continued to oppose Kyoto during his time in office, taking issue with the fact that Kyoto exempted many smaller and developing nations from reduction requirements and stating that compliance with the treaty would do serious damage to the U.S. economy.

Where We Are Now

The Copenhagen talks in 2009, though chaotic, were not completely unproductive. In Copenhagen, for the first time, all of the major players in global greenhouse gas emissions agreed to set limits and work together towards a common goal. The targets agreed on were far from the kinds of numbers advised by scientists, and no concrete treaty was produced in order to back the agreement with actionable and accountability-enforcing structure. That, hopefully, is what will happen at Paris.

Many do not believe it is possible. The kind of clean technology that will effectively reduce emissions is quite expensive. Developed nations will have trouble financing their own reductions, let alone aiding developing countries in achieving their green goals–that is, assuming they can even agree on and ratify a treaty in the first place. This year will be a crucial one in the battle against global climate change, and many scientists will tell you that we’re already behind schedule.

Climate change is a huge issue threatening the world around us today. Let’s do our part and preserve nature while we can:

U.N. Gets Down to Business on Climate Change

According to new research, the #health benefits of short mid-day #naps could include a reduced chance of #heartattack and lowered blood pressure. -

According to new research, the health benefits of short mid-day naps could include a reduced chance of heart attack and lowered blood pressure.

Led by Dr. Manolis Kallistratos of Asklepieion General Hospital in Athens, the study also found a link between mid-day naps and a reduced need for antihypertensive medications. The research was revealed at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology in London.

“Although William Blake affirms that it’s better to think in the morning, act at noon, eat in the evening and sleep at night, noon sleep seems to have beneficial effects,” Kallistratos said at the conference according to

Study Shows Mid-Day Naps Could Save Your Life - Clapway


Reduced blood pressure by about 5 percent on average was found in those tested while they were awake during the day after their nap, and as they slept at night.

The general health effects of naps are contested by researchers, and they vary depending on the health of the person taking it as well as the length of the nap. As the Daily News reports, factors such as age, gender, exercise habits, caffeine and smoking habits, as well as body mass index and diet were measured by the Greek researchers.


According to The Telegraph, Kallistratos mentioned two famous British prime ministers at the London conference who napped during the day: Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher. “According to our study they were right because midday naps seem to lower blood pressure levels and may probably also decrease the number of required antihypertensive medications,” Kallistratos said.


In Kallistratos’ study, the nap lasted an hour. Longer naps (over an hour) have been linked to poor health in the past. A study by Cambridge University last year found that people who nap for more than an hour tend to die younger than those who don’t.


Kallistratos and his team performed various tests on 386 patients, the median age of whom was 61 years old, at the Asklepieion General Hospital. All of the 200 men and 186 women had arterial hypertension.

The researchers recorded the subjects’ pulse wave velocity and gauged their arterial stiffness with an echocardiographic evaluation that measured the heart’s left atrial appendage.

For technology related news and product reviews, check out Clapway Trends:

Study Shows Mid-Day Naps Could Save Your Life

Researchers have developed an #artificialleaf, which can mimic #photosynthesis, the process used by #plants to convert light energy into the biological fuel. -

In today’s modern age, technology can easily replicate biological processes seen in humans and other complex organisms. Now researchers have developed an artificial leaf, which can mimic photosynthesis, the process used by plants to convert light energy into the biological fuel needed for the organism’s sustenance.


Over the past five years, researchers at Caltech’s Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis have been working on developing a “efficient, safe, [and] integrated solar-driven system for splitting water to create hydrogen fuels,” according to LinkedIn. The completed project will not be commercialized anytime soon, but it does represent an important milestone in the push for a clean-energy economy, fueled by renewable energy sources, such as solar power.

Currently, the artificial leaf, discussed in the journal Energy and Environmental Science, can operate for 40 continuous hours and is one square centimeter in area. Due to its small size, however, it is only capable of converting 10 percent of the energy in the sunlight into chemical fuel.

According to Business Standard, the new system utilizes three main components: a membrance and two electrodes – one photoanode and one photocathode.


Each component of the artificial leaf serves a specific function in the photosynthetic process:

Photoanode: oxidizes water molecules using sunlight and generates protons, electrons and oxygen gas.

Photocathode: forms hydrogen gas by recombining the protons and electrons.

Membrane: acts as a barrier, separating the oxygen and hydrogen gases to allow hydrogen fuel to be collected and pushed into a pipeline.

Semiconductors (such as silicon or gallium arsenide): used in solar panels to efficiently absorb light. To prevent oxidation or rust, a layer of titanium dioxide (TiO) (found in sunscreens) is added onto the electrodes.

Catalyst: a 2-nanometer-thick layer of nickel is added to the TiO surface, to drive the water-splitting reaction.

The combination of all these components help drive the artificial photosynthetic process. “[The] work shows that it is indeed possible to produce fuels from sunlight safely and efficiently in an integrated system with inexpensive components,” states Lewis, the leader behind the project. “Of course, [they] still have work to do to extend the lifetime of the system and to develop methods for cost-effectively manufacturing full systems, both of which are in progress.”

Nature and technology can work in harmony with each other:

The Artificial Leaf That Mimics Photosynthesis

A #drone pilot recently interfered with a #LAPD suspect search. Could this mean laws are needed to control the use of #drones? -

A man in Hollywood was arrested earlier this week for derailing an LAPD helicopter that was searching for a fleeing suspect with his drone.


Originally reported by ABC7 in LA, the drone had managed to come within 50 feet of the LAPD helicopter, which forced the police to focus their attention on finding the drone pilot –ditching their original efforts to find the suspect they were pursuing.


Eventually the LAPD found the amateur drone pilot in a Rite Aid parking lot who was arrested for interfering with a police investigation. Authorities confiscated the drone, and questioned the operator about the event. According to the LAPD, he will also be questioned by the Federal Aviation Administration. Video was also taken by the drone, and will be examined by a forensics team in order to determine whether or not the drone pilot was intentionally interfering with the search, or if he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“It could kill everybody onboard the aircraft and anybody you hit on the ground. These aircrafts are just under 5,000 pounds and they can carry up to 143 gallons of jet fuel,” said LAPD pilot Sgt. Jorge Gonzalez in an interview with ABC7.


In Aug. of last year, the LAPD received reports from a Canadian jetliner about a drone flying at 4,000 feet just 10 miles east of the Los Angeles International Airport. About a week later, the LAPD spotted a drone in L.A. just outside the northwest side of the police headquarters. The drone flew around the 10th story of the building, and then moved on to hovering above City Hall.

Another incident involved a drone operator named Daniel Saulmon. Saulmon was originally arrested for filming police on the ground, so he began filming the LAPD from the air with a drone. The LAPD ordered Saulmon to stop because he was trespassing. Saulmon ended up posting the video on YouTube.


The drone takeover is happening fast, and as usual, lawmakers are having a tough time trying to figure out how to create legislation around drones. Heated encounters and dangerous situations involving drones seem to be appearing more and more everyday. It’s possible that drone operators may need to have a license to operate if the community can’t get together to formulate proper drone etiquette.

Drone Pilot Arrested For Halting Suspect Search - Clapway

Drones and robots are here to change the future of technology:

Drone Pilot Arrested For Halting Suspect Search

Turns our #peerpressure might not be such a bad thing. Maintain long lasting #friendships with your closest #friends can be beneficial for your health. -

Strong, supportive friendships and a drive to fit in with peers during adolescence may be one of the best predictors of long-term health, a recent study published in Psychological Science demonstrates. People who had close teenage friendships exhibit less stress and stress-related symptoms later in life, acutely improving adult physical wellbeing.

In finding that friendship improves health, the researchers have turned the familiar, fuzzy feeling of friendship into a medical metric. They claim that the adolescent drive to make friends and fit in may even be instinctual, dating back to humans’ primordial, power-in-numbers mentality. Even as Western culture no longer relies on tribalism for survival and lauds individual autonomy, adolescent’s bodies may be pushing them to conform to peer pressure in order to protect their health later in life.

How They Studied This: Like the Movie Boyhood, Without the Cameras

The researchers’ most recent round of health tests was done on 171 people 27 years of age, comparing their body mass index, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and overall health. But these are the same 171 people that the researchers have been following for the past 14 years, starting when they were in 7th or 8th grade.

Researchers chose this diverse group of 171 early teenagers from all different backgrounds and socio-economic classes. Each participant was asked to choose a good friend of the same sex, who for the next four years would evaluate that friend’s abilities to make and keep friends, and also how much energy they put into conforming with their peers.

The results confirmed the researchers’ hypothesis that friendship improves health, but they are nonetheless astounding: the strength of adolescent friendships, and even the simple drive to fit in, are strong indicators of better health in later life, transcending other influential variables like household income, body mass index, and drug use.

A Daily Dose of Conformity, Found At Your Nearest Pharmacy

Does this mean that doctors will start prescribing doses of conformity to their teen patients? Yes and no. If the finding that adolescent friendship improves health is adopted by mainstream medicine and psychology—which is by no means a guarantee—then yes, psychologists and doctors will begin considering teenage friendship as a contributing factor to later-life health problems. They may also be less complicit with some teen’s insistence on straying from the pack, warning that an obsession with independence and differentiation may lead to health problems down the line. Peer pressure, apparently, is not so bad after all.

What remains more important to the study are the supportive friendships, not the conformity. Those adolescents who conform to shallow trends in order to fit in but are still unable to forge deep, lasting friendships may still suffer the same stress-related health problems as those who never conformed in the first place.

The study does not imply that conformity is a prerequisite to friendship, but statistically, those who conform have on average a larger “peer pack” and a greater possibility for deep, long-lasting friendships—or just a greater feeling of inclusion and support than non-conformists do.

Knowing that friendship improves health, a psychologist or doctor is still more likely to coach an antisocial adolescent on the nature of their friendships than on their caving to peer pressure. Don’t expect your doctor to prescribe a teenager Ugg Boots and a North Face jacket for their long-term health. (Is that still what the kids are wearing these days?)

Do you have best friends from your teenage years? Share this article with them so they know they’ll be healthier just by knowing you!

Teen friendships can be great, but robots friendships are unbreakable.

Teen Friendships Can Improve Health Later On

Much to the disappoint of folks in #Chicago, #Spike the #CorpseFlower failed to bloom and emit its stink. -

The Chicago Botanic Garden’s corpse flower failed to bloom and emit its odor, disappointing many people, CBS Chicago reports. It also did not release the “stink” that the flower is known for, even after scientists manually opened it.

The corpse flower, which has been nicknamed “Spike”, had been predicted by some to bloom after 12 years of growing and preparation, causing many observers to wonder why it failed to do so.


Patrick Herendeen, a research scientist that had been working with Spike, told CBS that the outer sheath of the flower was rubbery, which indicated that Spike would fall short of expectations. The sheath had to be amputated from the plant, which caused the female flowers to dry up. Their male counterparts are premature and will be frozen and preserved so they can be used in pollination attempts in the future.


According to NBC Chicago, the corpse flower didn’t bloom because it lacked the necessary energy. It used all of the energy that it had before the bloom cycle finished. This is also the reason that Spike’s sheath was rubbery.


Despite this disappointment in the plant’s development, CBS reported that the crowds remained excited and Spike is viewed as a success. During the last three weeks in which the corpse flower was publicly displayed, 57,000 people came to the botanic gardens to view it. Because the greenhouses were filled up, some of those viewing it had to do so from a theater in the area that was playing a live feed of it.

“It’s a great story,” said Tim Pollack, a floriculturist who worked at the botanic garden with spoke for more than ten years. “We’re overwhelmed.” Spike is just one of the botanic garden’s nine corpse flowers.


“Corpse flower” is a moniker of Amorphophallus titanum, given to the plant because it smells like a corpse. It’s axiomatic that the plant will emit its famous odor if it blooms, and “Spike” let down some fans at the garden for not doing so.

It is indigenous to Sumatra. As NBC Chicago mentioned, the corpse flowers are powered from the sun’s energy and are the world’s largest blooming structures.

Nature is…interesting. We might have missed Spike the Corpse Flower, but we have the Atmoph window to showcase flowers around the world:

Botanic Garden"s Corpse Flower Failed to Bloom

Diets that are rich in #fishoil versus those that are rich in lard produce very different bacteria in the stomachs of mice, which can reduce #inflammation and #obesity. -

Diets that are rich in fish oil versus those that are rich in lard produce very different bacteria in the stomachs of mice. These findings, which are now published Cell Metabolism, are reported on in a study from the Sahlgrenska Academy.

Probiotics Could Help Protect You from Obesity - Clapway


To come to this conclusion, researchers transferred microbes into mice to see how they affected the overall health of the animals. The mice that received the transplant of microbes associated with a fish oil diet were protected against diet-induced weight gain and inflammation, whereas the mice transplanted with gut microbes associated with a lard diet were not. This research demonstrates that gut microbes are an independent factor associated with aggravating inflammation and that probiotics might help counteract the effects of a greasier diet.


The scientists stated that they were determined to figure out whether or not the gut microbes directly contributed to the metabolic differences that are associated with diets rich in healthy and unhealthy fats. Although the study was conducted on mice, their ultimate goal is to identify interventions in healthy humans.


The researchers worked in a lab and fed either lard or fish oil to the mice for 11 weeks and monitored the signs of metabolic health. Although the consumption of lard promoted the growth of bacteria, which can be linked to gut inflammation, the fish oil diet decreased the abundance of bacteria that is known to reduce weight gain as well as improve glucose and metabolism in mice.

Despite having the same energy content and the same amount of dietary fiber, the scientists were surprised to find that the lard and fish oil diet resulted in different gut microbiota communities, which influences overall health in significant ways.

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Fish Oil Could Help Protect You from Obesity

Scientists recently uncovered a #space wonder: a #blackhole - wait, make that two - located in a #quasar. -

Quasars are the most energetic members of a compact region at the center of a galaxy known as active galactic nucleus (AGN). They are considered to be among the brightest objects in the known universe, comprised of superheated regions of gas and dust that surround black holes. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers were recently able to spot a unique quasar, boasting a double black hole, located in the closest galaxy to Earth. The two massive celestial bodies were found “furiously whirling” around each other, producing the incredible amount of energy need to power the quasar, according to a report by Popular Science.


The “black-hole duo” or double black hole was discovered in the Markarian 231 (Mrk 231) galaxy by a group of astronomers in a project led by the University of Oklahoma. The rare discovery was made after scientists examined archived ultraviolet radiation observational data emitted from the center of Mrk 231, located 581 million light-years away from our Earth.

But this quasar is not a typical one, leading scientists to describe its properties as ‘extreme and surprising.” According to Daily Mail, the ultraviolet glow of the accretion disk was seen “abruptly dropping off towards the center,” rather than glowing as a whole, which is the case for single black holes.

This observation led scientists to conclude that the disk is carved out by two black holes orbiting each other. According to Youjun Lu of the National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the finding is extremely exciting as it “paves a new way to systematically search binary black holes via the nature of their ultraviolet light emission.”

The structure of our universe, such as those giant galaxies and clusters of galaxies, grows by merging smaller systems into larger ones, and binary black holes are natural consequences of these mergers of galaxies,’ added co-investigator Xinyu Dai from the University of Oklahoma.

According to Insight Ticker, the bigger black hole is an estimated 150 million times heavier than our own sun, and its smaller counterpart – believed to be the remnant of another galaxy – weights 4 million solar masses.. The binary black holes are predicted to orbit around each other every 1.2 years; on the other hand, the merging process, which eventually causes the larger hole to swallow the smaller one, takes hundreds of thousands of years. The resulting combination creates a ”firestorm of star birth”, producing stars at a rate that is 100 times greater than that of our own Milky Way – a phenomenon researchers refer to as a “firestorm of star birth.”

Don’t you love space? Share the experience with your kids with Space Scouts Summer Adventure.

Binary Black Holes In Quasar Astound Astronomers

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A #Minnesota woman delivered #conjoinedtwins in #Colorado, though she knew only one infant would survive the post-birth surgery to separate them. -

A Minnesota woman delivered conjoined twin girls in Colorado, though she was aware that only one infant would survive the post-birth surgery to separate them.

Amber McCullough delivered her girls, Hannah and Olivia, by cesarean section Wednesday at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado. The girls were joined through their abdomen and immediately underwent a 5-hour surgery to be separated.


When the bodies of twins connect, they are called conjoined twins. Conjoined twins begin as a single fertilized egg. Sometimes a single egg divides in half 1 to 2 weeks after it’s fertilized, which creates a set of identical twins. Seattle Children’s Hospital states two theories for conjoined twins. The exact cause is yet to be discovered. One theory is the egg divides late and doesn’t divide completely. The other theory is the egg divides completely but then joins back together.


Conjoined twins are rare and occur approximately once every 50,000 to 60,000 births, according to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Parents who find out they are pregnant with conjoined twins have the option to continue their pregnancy, while others can decide to end it. Amber McCullough learned that she had conjoined twins from ultrasound images of Hannah and Olivia during her second trimester.



According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, there are nearly a dozen different types of conjoined twins. Thoracopagus twins, one of the most common, are connected at the upper portion of the torso. They share a heart, which makes surgical separation very risky and nearly impossible. Omphalopagus twins may share a liver, gastrointestinal or genitourinary functions, but rarely share a heart. These conjoined twins are connected from the breastbone to waist and make up about 33 percent of cases. The rarest type, craniophagus twins, are joined at the cranium or head. They make up only 2 percent of conjoined twins.


Out of the two girls, it was Olivia who didn’t survive. The twins shared an abdomen, liver and intestinal tract. They had separate hearts and kidneys. Doctors stated Olivia only had a single ventricle in her heart and was missing valves. Hannah is in critical but stable condition, Children’s Hospital Colorado spokeswoman Elizabeth Whitehead said.

“I am determined not only to do all we can to keep her [Hannah] alive but also to ensure she is happy and as comfortable as possible,” McCullough wrote on Facebook. “That being said, naturally there will be some uncomfortable parts of this journey in which case we will also lean on the doctors to manage her pain.”



Mom Delivers Conjoined Twins Knowing Only One Will Survive

Corporate superpower #Google has #self-drivingcars on the roads in #Texas, but these new cars they are rolling out are fully autonomous. -

It’s certainly no secret that Google has been testing self-driving cars on the streets in California for years. Not only have the cars driven millions of miles, but they have also never been involved in an incident that was their fault. Now taking another giant step in transforming the way the world moves, Google has confirmed that they’re going to begin testing fully autonomous vehicles in Austin, Texas. Previously, Google has had self-driving cars on the roads in Texas, but these new cars they are rolling out are fully autonomous. The question is: are they up to par for busy Austin, Texas?


After years of expensive testing, and millions miles without incident, Google is confident in their cars’ ability to drive in the new environment of Austin, but some skeptics are not fully convinced that the cars are ready for this new terrain. Chris Urmson, a leader of the Google self-driving car project, assures residents that the cars are ready for whatever is thrown their way; “The car is equipped with sensory technology that creates a ‘security bubble’ around it and allows the vehicle to see its surroundings for up to football field away.”


The Google car can probably best be described as a piece of adaptive technology. Using new experiences the car learns how to react to different situations, and with the help of programmers, the car makes adjustments to the way it operates in order to be as close to perfect as possible. Austin offers the car a different experience from that of California, and from that it can expand its capabilities before it is ready to be unleashed on roads all over the world.


California and Austin are both stepping stones on Google’s path to put self-driving cars on every road in the world. They have already demonstrated that self-driving cars could save countless lives by reducing the human error inherent in driving, and have the capability to continuously react to new and changing environments. Today Google self-driving cars are on the road in Austin, but tomorrow they could be driving by your house, on their mission to occupy every road on the planet.



Texas: Google Has Self-Driving Cars That Take Over Austin"s Roads

There is high demand for the Arctic"s #territorialwaters, specifically the transit routes that could be designed there as #ClimateChange opens #Arctic land. -

The warming waters in the arctic circle have been prophesied to mean many things: a dangerous rise in sea level, loss of habitat for dozens of animals and even improvement to others, but it is also paving the way for new advantages for the lands in between these poles. There is high demand for knowledge of the Arctic’s territorial waters, specifically the transit routes that could be designed there, not to mention natural resources. Tensions are very high in the Arctic, and the superpowers of the world are already giving chase to the potential gold mines hidden there.


US President Barack Obama is travelling to Alaska this coming Monday, and this will make him the first to ever visit the Arctic Circle while still in office, and his goal is to discover what the true effects of climate change are in the region. This approach has been revealed to be unexpected, given the fact that there is so much more to uncover. Adm Paul Zukunft of the Coast Guard says there has been clamoring about our nation’s lack of capacity to sustain any meaningful presence in the Arctic.



The Chukchi Sea has seen an increase in vessel presence as time has come along, from all kinds of territories, most notably, Russia, who still presses on allocating the land surrounding the North Pole. The nation recently declared its intentions to claim large portions of the Arctic Ocean, even claiming that the continental shelf extending into the sea is also Russian territory under the Law of the Sea convention. The United States has yet to ratify the measure to allow Russia to make these claims, but Russia may be willing to take as much advantage of the potential new resources as possible, in as little time as necessary.


The Arctic Circle is very valuable. It contains untapped reserves of oil, gas and fish, and it could open new developments as the glaciers continue to recede. Russia is already building 10 new search-and-rescue stations at ports of the Arctic shoreline, and has increased military presence in the region, even going as far as dropping 50 paratroopers onto the North Pole.

President Obama’s mission will is not to journey to Alaska to open talks with Russia, but there is definitely a strenuous atmosphere in the Arctic, not only between the US and Russia, but Canada as well. However, there is a strict level of diplomacy being kept between the nations in the region to preserve the relationship between them and to take as objective an approach to the opportunities that present themselves as possible.

There is no telling if Russia will continue to slowly stake its claim to Arctic waters, but for now, all’s well in the Arctic Circle.



Climate Change: US and Russia Relations Tense As Arctic Circle Warms

Recently a #3D cyberportrayal of a newly discovered #millipede is making headlines, resembling a horror or action #sci-fi flick more than anything from Earth. -

Recently a 3D cyberportrayal of a newly discovered millipede is making headlines, and it resembles something out of a horror or action sci-fi flick more than it does anything from Earth.


At 1.5 inches long, the millipede was found in Andalusia in Spain back in 2005. It ekes out a common existence in the dirt beneath stones and dead broken leaves. This creature decomposes plant life, and “acts as an important component of soil fauna,” said study lead researcher Nesrine Akkari, curator of the Myriapoda Collection at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna.


Researchers Create 3D Millipede Avatar - Clapway

The researchers introduced the new species after preserving it in a jar of ethanol for many years, and now, instead of simply photographing, illustrating or studying under a microscope, the researchers decided to use an X-ray microtomography (micro-CT) to study the new creature.

Basically, micro-CT is no different than a medical computerized tomography (CT) scanner, with the slight difference remaining present in its detail. It sports a resolution that can take a user down to a couple of micrometers, mentioned Akkari. Researchers placed the jar holding the millipede in the machine, and then took X-rays of the creature from several angles. When X-rays were compiled, they were able to construct an amazing 3D avatar of the millipede, and named it Ommatoiusus avatar.

“We decided to bring some innovation to the study and show that taxonomy [the classification of species] is not an old-fashioned kind of discipline, but that it can be fun, it can be modern,” said Akkari in an interview with Live Science.


Since this is a relatively new species, researchers wanted to find a way they could examine the genitalia of the millipede (gonopods). It sounds weird, but this technique actually allows scientists a better look at what type of species it may be since gonopod anatomy varies greatly in millipedes.

“Usually, to examine those genitalia, we would have to make a cut, a dissection, and cut the specimen at the seventh ring, extract those gonopods and cut them in half,” said Akkari.

The researchers didn’t want to take this route because it would obviously mean the millipede specimen they had been preserving for so many years would be destroyed. So, instead, they took a risk by creating a 3D avatar of the millipede. Fortunately, the scientists were able to accurately study the anatomy, and keep the specimen intact.


Micro-CTs have been done before. Scientists have used the technique to study insects, reptiles, and even ancient scrolls. One of the biggest advantages to using Micro-CTs is the ability to essentially combine all of the data into one place, which makes it much easier for scientists to access and research for years to come.

There are other types of micro-CT that provides more detail than what was collected in this case, but those techniques are much more involved; sometimes gathering the data can take weeks, which isn’t realistic for understanding most species.

Those interested in a more in-depth look can take a look at the entire millipede study here.



Researchers Have Created A 3D Millipede Avatar

After its historic flyby of #Pluto, NASA scientists have finally chosen where #NewHorizons is headed next: a comet named 2014 #MU69. -


After its historic flyby of Pluto, NASA scientists have finally chosen where New Horizons is headed next. Named 2014 MU69, and it was one of two objects resembling a comet presently under consideration for the mission. The agency will put the plans under review before officially giving a green light on the extension of the mission, which has so far captured very thorough images and data of not only the dwarf planet (coming as close as 7,767 miles from it) on July 14th, but also of its moons Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra. It has brought forth details that will revolutionize many sciences, revealed the dwarf planet’s face at a distance shorter than ever before, limning the characteristics of its landscapes and that of its moons.


2014 MU69 is about one billion miles beyond Pluto, and it’s thought to be one of the building blocks that causes dwarf planets such as Pluto to form. 2014 MU69 and its surrounding objects make up a region of our Solar System called the Kuiper Belt, which is a deep-freeze sample of what the cosmic neighborhood looked like when it formed, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. With this knowledge, we may be able to draw more precise conclusions as to our solar system’s past, and we might just be able to infer about its future.

The Future of the New Horizons Spacecraft

John Grunsfield, head of NASA’s Science Mission doctorate, has big plans for the current mission and its future ones. “Even as (…) the data from the exciting encounter with this new world is being streamed back to Earth, we are looking outward to the next destination for this intrepid explorer,” he says in a statement, and adds that they “”expect it to be much less expensive than the prime mission, while still providing new and exciting science.”

The New Horizons Spacecraft Gets A New Mission - Clapway

The head investigator of the mission, Alan Stern, declared that the 2014 MU was a “great choice” for a new trajectory, and that said journey would cost less fuel to reach its destination and would in turn preserve enough to flyby or protect against any unforeseen events. According to NASA, the probe’s power system is designed to operate for many more years and its scientific instruments were designed to operate in light levels much lower than it will experience during the 2014 MU69 flyby. The New Horizons carries enough fuel to operate until and perhaps even beyond 2020, which gives it plenty of time to carry out a few more ground-breaking flybys.

The space probe will undergo a series of engine burns to set its course toward 2014 MU69 in late October and early November, and its arrival date at 2014 MU69 is currently set for January 1st, 2019.



The New Horizons Spacecraft Gets A New Mission

A new #wedding trend is emerging in states where #marijuana is legal: open #weedbars. -

A new wedding trend is emerging in states where marijuana is legal: open weed bars.

In Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Oregon—the four states where marijuana is recreationally legal —“weed weddings” have gone from a “let’s get high” idea to a lucrative reality, according to The Daily Beast.

Sites such as and are promoting cannabis-friendly weddings – a new norm for ganja-loving, modern nuptials.

Giving up booze for bud

A couple in Portland, Oregon drew much media attention after it served joints instead of champagne at their weeding. According to the state’s Measure 91 marijuana can be served only if alcohol isn’t.

The “weed tent” featured 13 different strains of cannabis, a budtender, and free transportation following the event.

Offering open Weed Bar to guests

Groom John Elledge said he was “shocked” by how much of a hit the “cannabar” was—it even convinced an 81-year-old who hadn’t smoke since the 1960s. “I’m still getting a couple of texts a day from guests who enjoyed the weed tent,” said Elledge of his recent reception.

Imagine showing up at your brother’s wedding and lighting up a blunt for the first time in front of your family. Weird? Maybe. Yet experts believe the trend could expand opinions and widen perceptions about legal marijuana.

According to The New York Times article “A Toast? How About a Toke”, a wedding in Colorado included gift bags with a rolled joint, a lighter and cannabis- infused lip balm infused, along with this note: “We wanted to show you some of the things we love the best.”

Weeding crushers

Marijuana use at weddings is “out of the closet now,” said Kelli Bielema of Shindig Events in Seattle. We might soon see joints, bongs and vaporizers being passed around at weddings instead of alcohol. Colorado florists are even embracing buds in bouquets in response to customer requests to incorporate cannabis into their special occasion.

“Many pot enthusiasts think of alcohol as an old-fashioned, old-school toxin whose overuse can inflame family tensions and cause people to say horrible things, especially at weddings,” the NY Times article reads. “In comparison, marijuana, they contend, is more like a tonic that calms people down and makes them like each other more rather than less — perfect for a wedding, they say.”

What do you think of weed weddings? Share your experiences in the comments section below.



Weed Weddings: Rest Assured They"re a Thing Now

We already have #3Dprintedpizza, so it only seems logical that the next step would be a #robot chef baking a #pizza by reading WikiHow. -

3D printed pizza is already a thing, so it only seems logical that the next step would be a robot chef baking a pizza by reading WikiHow. At least, that’s what one group thinks. This is PR2, and it’s a European research project called RoboHow.


How can you talk to a robot colloquially and have it respond to queries or perform actions without having to use syntax the robot understands? Communicating with technology is a difficult problem, and it’s one of the major objectives that RoboHow is trying to tackle. Most robots now are programmed with specific functions in mind. If you walked up to one that was programmed for one task and asked it to do another, it might spit back an error message.


RoboHow is looking to figure out how you can communicate with a robot in a way that doesn’t require giving the robot a complex set of instructions.


That’s why the project is using WikiHow to look up directions in order to communicate with PR2 through text and voice commands.

A Robot Who Can Make Pizza - Clapway

The idea is that RoboHow wants to give the PR2 a simple set of instructions, and have the robot programmed well enough that it will be able to read and understand the directions without having to add extra details on how to specifically perform actions–even if it’s something the robot has never done before.

“Teaching robots how to turn high-level descriptions into specific actions is an important but challenging task. It is straightforward for humans because we have an understand of all sorts of basic tasks, collected over a lifetime,” said MIT. “A human does not need to be told the specific grasp needed to remove the top from a jar of tomato sauce, for instance, or that flipping a pancake involves using a spatula or some other kitchen utensil.”


The RoboHow team has began to convert WikiHow guides into a form that PR2 can understand, so that it can later perform the actions. So far they’ve had a few successes in both simulation and in life application by having PR2 cook both pancakes and a pizza. There is still a lot of work to be done, but so far this is great progress.

When PR2 “learns” how to do something, the robot will add the information to an online database called Open Ease, which can be accessed by other robots. Now the team is working on using methods such as video to help teach robots.


A Robot Who Can Make Pizza

The largest #naturalgas reserve to date was just discovered in the #coastline of #Egypt. -


It’s possible that the largest natural gas reserve to date was just discovered in the coastline of Egypt. It was reported today that the Italian company Eni SnA, has discovered an area of 1,450m (4,757ft) in the deep waters of the Egyptian coast, and the total area is of about 60 sq miles. With these numbers, the reserve may hold as much as 30 trillion cubic ft of gas, or similarly, 5.5 billion barrels of the same. The field, named Zohr, could may well become one of the largest natural gas finds, and could help meet the region’s need for natural gas for decades to come.

The CEO, Claudio Descalzi, commented on the discovery by saying that the area could become “one of the world’s largest natural gas fields”, and that “this historic discovery will be able to transform the energy scenario of Egypt.” The company, the largest foreign energy firm in all of Africa, holds full concession rights to the reserve after signing an energy exploration deal with Egypt’s oil ministry. The deal was worth $2bn, and allowed Eni to explore the Sinai, the Gulf of Suez, the Mediterranean sea and parts of the Nile Delta, all very vast and very rich areas where great discoveries are made and have yet to be made, not only by the company but by others as well and in other countries.


The reserve, described as “supergiant”, proves that Egypt still has great potential in terms of energy and the development of the same. Descalzi said in a statement that “important synergies with the existing infrastructures can be exploited”, which would allow a fast production startup. The company has been in the country since 1954, through one of it’s subsidiaries, IEOC (International Egyptian Oil Company), and it is the main producer of hydrocarbon in Egypt. Their daily equity production is of 200,000 barrels of oil, according to the company.


This discovery could mean that there are still great basins of natural gas left to be found in our oceans, but this should not encourage a careless search for it. This may well be the largest basin yet, and it has jump-started a plethora of movements, some searching for more energy to give to their respective regions, others interested in discovering more ways to find and preserve our natural resources.

A full statement by Eni about this discovery can be found here.



Giant Natural Gas Reserve Found in Egyptian Coast

The beloved writer #OliverSacks, who wrote case studies on #neurologicaldisorders, #neuroscience, music and love has just passed away at the age of 82. -

British neurologist and popular author Oliver Sacks died today at age 82 in his New York City home. Sacks was a Professor of Neurology at the New York University School of Medicine and a beloved writer whose works included collections of case studies on neurological disorders, spanning from the neuroscience of face blindness and catatonia to that of music and love.


Sacks frequently incorporated musings on his own maladies into his books, such as in Migraine, The Mind’s Eye, and Hallucinations, which considered his experiences with LSD and mescaline. Sacks was a longtime contributor to NPR, often regaling audiences with personal as well as professional tales from his life. Sacks’s memoir, On the Move: A Life was released in May 2015.


Sacks’s best known works also include the bestseller The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Awakenings. The latter, his 1973 memoir on a work with patients suffering from encephalitis lethargica, was adapted into an Academy Award-nominated film starring Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro.

Sacks announced in February 2015 that he had terminal liver cancer


In his writings, Sacks did not reduce people to scientific curiosities or otherwise surface-level sources of alienation, but instead as individuals capable of gaining our empathy as much as those written by Chekov (who, coincidentally, was also a doctor with great artistic vision and insight). Sacks was always concerned with how patients’ lives suffered from neurological disorders; how they had to adapt their relationships, personal lives, even simple daily routines to their developing disorders.

Instead of simply depicting his characters as victims or hapless fellows of the world, he transformed his case studies into literary narratives that were fully dramatic , detailed and aware of their readers’ thoughts. These stories did not marginalize such characters, but to the contrary placed them in an active world of flux and thriving change.


His ability to reproduce the physiological, emotional aspects of characters juxtaposed to metaphysical desire and speculation was uncanny. Readers learn the great costs of the extreme alienation that comes with the sort of isolation such patients endured. He always made sure that there was an element of resilience and autonomy to these characters, for none of them–or their corresponding real-life patients–lived without retaining a sense of identity and personal agency.

Indeed, some who’ve suffered neurological disorders have used it as inspiration to accomplish great things.



Oliver Sacks: Brilliant Writer and Scientist Dies

According to Inflationary #Universe theory, the early universe expanded at an #exponentialrate for the first fraction of a second following the #BigBang. -

The life of the cosmos is a subject of heated debate and fervent speculation for scientists, astronomers, cosmologists and astrophysicists. How did it begin? How did it evolve? How did it assume its current shape and behavior? How will it end? Presently, the most likely theory to appeal to for answers is what’s known as the Inflationary Universe theory. According to it, the early universe expanded at an exponential rate for the first few fractions of a second following the Big Bang.

This theory was put forward in 1981 by cosmologists in order to solve various problems in their own field.


One such problem is called the horizon problem. If we follow this theory’s logic, but assume that the Universe is not expanding, and that two photons simultaneously depart from the same point, one aimed at the Earth’s North Pole, and the other aimed at the Earth’s South Pole. The logic goes that, since these two particles could not exchange any information from the time released, the time required to send information from one photon to the other would be twice the age of the cosmos.

These photons in are causally disconnected; they cannot penetrate one another’s horizon.

But this can’t be, since we have already observed photons approaching from opposite directions that must have somehow communicated, since the cosmic microwave background radiation is nearly homogeneous, i.e. unchanging across different sectors of the night sky.


We can solve this problem by assuming that the universe expanded exponentially at its earliest beginnings, shortly after the Big Bang. Before this happened, the whole of the cosmos was in causal contact, and at equilibrium with a common, homogeneous temperature. This means that sectors of the universe that are widely separated today were once extremely close together, which explains why photons from these disparate and distant regions have the same temperatures.


To visualize cosmic inflation, imagine the inflation of a balloon. One person at any point on the balloon may think they are at the center of expansion, since each and every neighboring point appears to move farther away as the surface of the balloon extends from the interior pressure.

For more on the universe’s beginnings, cosmic inflation and quantum fluctuations, check out Stephen Hawking’s Centre for Theoretical Cosmology.



The Universe is Expanding

A set of photos leaked on #Vietnamese tech sites techrum and tinhte get really up close and personal with the anticipated #Blackberry Venice #smartphone for the first time. -


A set of photos leaked on Vietnamese tech sites techrum and tinhte get really up close and personal with the anticipated Blackberry Venice smartphone for the first time.

Plans for the phone were announced in March, and Blackberry promised a release sometime this year. But since then, the company has kept incredibly quiet on details. The press surrounding the Blackberry Venice has all happened in sneaky leaks like this one, with the company neglecting to respond officially for comment at all.


The photos confirm that the Venice will debut as a sliding smartphone with a physical QWERTY keyboard and will, as expected, run an Android operating system. The images also show the phone with an 18-megapixel rear camera, a dual LED flash, and SIM and microSD ports on the top of the body (instead of on the side). Also rumored is a 5MP front-facing camera.

Internal specs have been leaked, too, although they aren’t visibly evident in the photos. Consumers have been told to expect a 5.4 inch 2560×1440 pixel touchscreen display, optical image stabilization for the camera, a Snapdragon 808 processor, and 3GB of RAM.


Loyal Blackberry users and fans of the physical QWERTY keyboard are especially excited about the marriage between Blackberry hardware and Android software. The Blackberry Venice release and the mysteriousness surrounding it are promising as a means of returning the once-dominant tech company to some semblance of relevance, after having Apple and Google decimate its market share down to below 1%. If the leaks and silence are a calculated marketing strategy by the business, they might prove a successful one.

The tech community is still waiting for official statements of confirmation from the company for the Blackberry Venice. Until then, its specs and rumored November release still classify as rumors.

But a picture is worth a thousand words, and the internet now has at least ten of them. This is looking like the real deal. The question is, can the Blackberry Venice really compete in an Android/iPhone market? It might be nice to see some more competition among smartphone producers, but we’ll just have to wait and see.



Anticipation Heats Up for BlackBerry Venice

Experts in #Minnesota verified #starrystonewort of plant in lakes, and warn about how the unwelcome #species can spread to other bodies of water. -

With the major chemical spill caused by the EPA in the Colorado River, it’s hard to imagine that there could be anything more threatening to the environment. However now there have been confirmed cases of the plant known as starry stonewort, which if left to its own devices has the potential to cause widespread ecological harm. Experts in Minnesota have verified that the dangerous species of plant has been found in lakes, and warn about the potential for the unwelcome species to spread to other bodies of water.


Starry Stonewort has been known to come into an area with a large body of water and kill all other native plant species. The plants are characteristically invasive and threatening to all under water plant species. According to a press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources the plant is inherently very dangerous to eco-system stability, “Starry stonewort are grass-like algae that may produce dense mats, which could interfere with use of the lake. The invasive plant may also choke out native plants and possibly alter habitat[s] for young fish.”

Invasive Starry Stonewort Threatens Minnesota Ecosystem - Clapway


If careful consideration is not taken the plants could easily spread to larger bodies of water, or go as far as to cross state lines. Starry Stonewort has been around for a long time in certain places, but this is the first confirmed case of the plants in Minnesota, and has already spread in large quantities there according to experts in Minnesota, “DNR staff investigated and found starry stonewort in 53 acres of Lake Koronis. The plant is widely distributed in high densities in the southeast bay near the public water access off Highway 55. It is also growing outside the bay, extending into the main basin, the northeast side of basin and into Mud Lake.” before local residents had a chance to report their unusual findings to authorities, the rapid spread of Starry Stonewort had already begun in their nearby lakes. Many fear that because of the alarming quantity of the plants already found in Minnesota removal may not be an option, and the best method to eliminate threats is through containment.


Starry Stonewort travels the same way that most invasive species get from place to place. It hitches a ride courtesy of humans or animals. Experts in Minnesota suggest that this is most likely how the Starry Stonewort ended up in their state, “The invasive species was likely spread by lake users who transported fragments of the plant from an infested body of water.” In response to the sudden invasion of starry stonewort the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources asks that those using the lake please drain the water from before before and after transportation, dispose of bait in waste bins, and clean all plants and animals from boats before putting them in the water. With the surge of starry stonewort in Minnesota many fear for the future of the lakes, while experts work tirelessly to contain a problem that is already way out of hand.

Invasive Starry Stonewort Threatens Minnesota Ecosystem

Drinking #coffee can be dangerous for #youngadults with #hypertension, as it leads to “four-fold” increases in cardiovascular risk, including high blood pressure. -

It seems like every time we turn around there is a new study telling us coffee is either great for us or absolutely terrible. This new research comes from ESC Congress, and was performed by Dr Lucio Mos, a cardiologist at Hospital of San Daniel del Friuli in Udine, Italy. In it Dr Mos details how dangerous drinking coffee can be for young adults with hypertension as it can lead to a “four-fold” increase in cardiovascular risk, high blood pressure, and glucose metabolism, and even diabetes.


This study has been on-going for over 12 years, and has more than 1200 participants in it (between ages 18 and 45). The participants are all from another on-going study called HARVEST (Hypertension and Ambulatory Recording VEnetia STudy), which is a long timer prospective study that includes 17 hypertension units in Italy.


These patients all had untreated stage 1 hypertension, which means their stoic blood pressure was somewhere between 140 and 159 mmHG, or they had diastolic blood pressure between 90 and 99 mmHg, though it was sometimes both. Dr Mos also broke up coffee drinkers into three categories based on how many cups of coffee they would typically consume over the course of a day: non-drinkers having no cups of coffee, moderate drinkers having between one and three cups of coffee, and heavy drinkers having more than four cups of coffee per day.

Of the group of 1200 participants, 26.3 percent said they were non-drinkers, 62.7 percent claimed they were moderate coffee drinkers, and 10 percent were basically caffeine guzzlers.


Based on Dr Mos’ findings, there seems to be a strong correlation between the amount of cups had per day and the risk of hypertension that would need to be treated. Most of the risk seemed to placed on heavy coffee drinkers, though that is exactly what the study was about. According to the paper published at, the study examined the long term effects of coffee drinking and the risks of developing prediabetes. The results, in this case, showed, on average, a 100 percent increased risk of prediabetes in heavy drinkers.

The real range lies between a 30 and 210 percent increase, but Dr Mos says it depends greatly on the person’s CYP1A2 genotype, which is what determines how fast a person metabolizes caffeine. People who are slower to metabolize caffeine have a significantly higher risk of prediabetes than those who have no metabolic issues.


After 12.5 years, the participants were required to report back in to answer follow-up questions. Over the years, there were over 60 cardiovascular events. According to the study, “About 80% were heart attacks and the remainder included strokes, peripheral artery disease and kidney failure.” Now, over a period of time that lengthy, there are certainly other factors to consider when it comes to heart disease. Perhaps heavy coffee drinkers also have a tendency to eat a McDonald’s breakfast every morning. The study says it isolated things such as lifestyle factors, sex, body mass index, cholesterol, and other variables that could also lead to an increased risk in cardiovascular events, but the study fails to provide information on how this was accomplished.

“Our study shows that coffee use is linearly associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events in young adults with mild hypertension. This relationship seems to be at least partially mediated by the long term effect of coffee on blood pressure and glucose metabolism. These patients should be aware that coffee consumption may increase their risk of developing more severe hypertension and diabetes in later life and should keep consumption to a minimum.”

As is usually the case, moderation seems to be the constant in all things coffee related.



Study Says Coffee Increases Cardiovascular Risk