Sunday, August 30, 2015

A new #wedding trend is emerging in states where #marijuana is legal: open #weedbars. -

A new wedding trend is emerging in states where marijuana is legal: open weed bars.

In Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Oregon—the four states where marijuana is recreationally legal —“weed weddings” have gone from a “let’s get high” idea to a lucrative reality, according to The Daily Beast.

Sites such as and are promoting cannabis-friendly weddings – a new norm for ganja-loving, modern nuptials.

Giving up booze for bud

A couple in Portland, Oregon drew much media attention after it served joints instead of champagne at their weeding. According to the state’s Measure 91 marijuana can be served only if alcohol isn’t.

The “weed tent” featured 13 different strains of cannabis, a budtender, and free transportation following the event.

Offering open Weed Bar to guests

Groom John Elledge said he was “shocked” by how much of a hit the “cannabar” was—it even convinced an 81-year-old who hadn’t smoke since the 1960s. “I’m still getting a couple of texts a day from guests who enjoyed the weed tent,” said Elledge of his recent reception.

Imagine showing up at your brother’s wedding and lighting up a blunt for the first time in front of your family. Weird? Maybe. Yet experts believe the trend could expand opinions and widen perceptions about legal marijuana.

According to The New York Times article “A Toast? How About a Toke”, a wedding in Colorado included gift bags with a rolled joint, a lighter and cannabis- infused lip balm infused, along with this note: “We wanted to show you some of the things we love the best.”

Weeding crushers

Marijuana use at weddings is “out of the closet now,” said Kelli Bielema of Shindig Events in Seattle. We might soon see joints, bongs and vaporizers being passed around at weddings instead of alcohol. Colorado florists are even embracing buds in bouquets in response to customer requests to incorporate cannabis into their special occasion.

“Many pot enthusiasts think of alcohol as an old-fashioned, old-school toxin whose overuse can inflame family tensions and cause people to say horrible things, especially at weddings,” the NY Times article reads. “In comparison, marijuana, they contend, is more like a tonic that calms people down and makes them like each other more rather than less — perfect for a wedding, they say.”

What do you think of weed weddings? Share your experiences in the comments section below.



Weed Weddings: Rest Assured They"re a Thing Now

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