Sunday, May 31, 2015

How should we explore life on Mars? -

Can Sample Return Answer Related Questions About Life on Mars? Or will in situ observation work better?

NASA has decided that it only has the funding to do one high-cost, large-scale mission per decade. It had a choice between the Mars sample return and a mission to Jupiter’s moon, Europa. NASA chose to do the Mars sample return and actually ended up only having the funding to collect the samples, not return them to Earth as well. The Europa Clipper mission is postponed, although that moon is still being explored.

For funding reasons, sample return from Mars postponed to next decade.

The decision to postpone the return of the samples to Earth ended up making what was supposed to be a “flagship mission” for a decade turn out to be one for two decades instead. This turned out to be a very expensive move, yet NASA chose to make this mission top priority despite the fact that many people suggested that in situ exploration was the best way to explore possibilities of life on Mars.

Can Sample Return Answer Questions About Life on Mars? - Clapway

It has been suggested by research that sample return results could be hard to decypher or even unreadable.

A study has shown that it is quite likely that the sample return would give us hard-to-interpret, flawed results, just like studying past Mars meteorites. Certain meteorites, like ALH64001, did provide for some interesting observations, though. It was over 4 billion years old, and thought to perhaps contain traces of ancient Martian life. The problem with observations like this, though, are that there are many small meteorites that contain organic matter constantly showering Mars. It is thus very difficult to determine whether the organic matter found in Martian meteorites came from the red planet or not.

Can Sample Return Answer Questions About Life on Mars?

ExoMars rover set to explore life on Mars in situ.

The ESA’s Exomars rover is going to explore life on Mars in situ, looking for biosignatures. It will also drill over six feet below the surface, in hopes of learning more about Martian geology. Either way, it is very hard to find well-preserved samples, despite the fact that Martian climate is cold and Mars has no continental drift. This is due to a number of factors, from cosmic radiation levels to the aforementioned organic matter that has been landing on the planet for years.

Can Sample Return Answer Questions About Life on Mars?

Is Wearable Technology Wearing Itself Out With Google Pants? -

When thinking of wearable technology, it’s probably more along the lines of a wristband (e.g. Apple Watch) or accessory. Now, Google pants would like to rear itself into the wearable technology scene. Is the wearable technology scene wearing itself out with Google pants? When we say wearable, do we really want our articles of clothing to also be high-tech?

Google Pants by Project Jacquard

Google pants has the leg up on wearable technology that happens to actually be articles of clothing. Google pants features an invisible, high-tech design in that it will be sewed into the fabric, rendering the product pretty much undetectable. If the conductive cloth is as Google says, the same as normal fabric, then why don’t we take this step in wearable tech? The chip that controls Google Pants is button-sized, too. The conductive metal threads will be able to turn your pants into a touchpad. The same technology can lie within the threading of your shirt. The possibilities don’t even end there.

Project Jacquard is the Future of Fabric

Google’s developers call this smart, new conductive fabric Project Jacquard. It is set be the new touchpad and will run on Wi-Fi to interact with your devices. Jacquard will be able to sense variations of finger use as well as finger pressure. Your finger’s motions across the fabric would be able to change features on your smart devices such as brightness and color, as well as pausing, playing, rewinding, etc. on a media player. Gestures will also be both customizable to your comfort, and the smart technology could learn patterns of usage by gathering data from your most commonly used gestures.

Pros and Cons of Touchscreen Google Pants

A perk of these Google pants as the newest in wearable technology is the low costs of it. Textile can be produced quite cheaply on standard machines. There’s no where to go but more and more connected, it seems. It’s not enough to already have a smartphone or to already able to talk to it to control it, or even to just have wearable tech accessories that control your smart devices. Connected clothing clearly has its eyebrow-raising features, but a large pro will be its ability to translate its smart usefulness to other industries such as science and medicine. This fabric can add efficiency and speed to endeavors and research in science, medicine, and technology.

A possible issue could be making sure accidental touches and gestures aren’t too big a nuisance. Ideally, there would be a solution that prevents random touches from happening — much like pocket dialing or butt dialing. With Google pants and Project Jacquard, butt dialing might no longer be an accident.

Is Wearable Technology Wearing Itself Out With Google Pants?

U.S.: California May Face A New Tsunami Threat -

Anyone living in Southern California should be aware that there may be an impending tsunami hazard, as a newly-identified fault zone off the coast of Southern California has recently been identified (although this will be nothing like the big-budget disaster movie San Andreas). The study’s leading author, geologist Mark Legg, illustrates that a real-life offshore tsunami and earthquake would not duplicate a Hollywood script version of a complete aquatic-takeover of Los Angeles or San Diego, however, still insists that the possible hazard warrants more attention than it is receiving.

Exactly what kind of tsunami could this be?

Lucy Jones, science adviser for risk reduction in the U.S. Geological Survey’s Natural Hazards Mission Area, says there has been documented evidence that tsunami waves have hitting Southern California date back to 1812. It’s commonplace that when someone utters the word “tsunami,” people’s first mental image is the 2004 quake and tsunami that tore Sumatra apart, or the giant waves that rocked Japan 4 years ago in 2011. Those particular tsunami waves were created in subduction zones.

“It’s not that it’s not a risk,” Jones said. “It’s just not as big a risk as the ones we see from the big subduction zones.” The zone that rests nearest to Southern California is the Cascadia subduction zone, just off of the coast of Northern California, Oregon and Washington state. Nearly 300 years ago in 1700, a Cascadia quake birthed a tsunami so large that it laid serious damage to Japan’s Pacific coast.

Legg was in agreement that a Borderland tsunami may not reach the levels of a Cascadia tsunami or the Sumatra tsunami. “It doesn’t have to be a Sumatra-sized tsunami,” he told NBC News. “It could be a 1- or 2-meter surge. That could have a huge impact on the ports.”

Prepare, don’t panic

Other earthquake experts are stating that the hazard has been examined, however they acknowledge that the offshore faults do require further study.

“Worrying doesn’t do anyone any good,” he said. “Preparedness is the key.” For example, if you are spending the day on the beach and can witness the ocean receding dramatically in the distance, simply take off to higher ground — because a big tsunami wave will probably follow.

The other important factor is that undersea faults are in need of further scientific study and research. Legg mentioned that the federal government once had provided funding for seafloor depth mapping, which is also known as bathymetry, for the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastal waters — however before a Pacific coastal survey was completed, the plug was pulled on the funding.

U.S.: California May Face A New Tsunami Threat

A story with the solar plane journey... -

Solar Impulse, a plane powered solely by the sun, has recently begun the toughest portion of its circumnavigation of the world: crossing the Pacific Ocean. The solar plane took off today from the Lukou International Airport in Nanjing, China, and is set to land nearly 5,000 miles away in Hawaii.

The plane’s two pilots, Andre Borschberg and Bertrand Piccard, have been alternating at manning the controls to the solar plane. It is now Borschberg’s turn to pilot, and he expressed unbridled enthusiasm at his chance to enter the history books.

Solar Plane Begins Tough Pacific Journey - Clapway

Solar plane’s toughest flight delayed a few times due to poor weather.

The historic flight had been delayed numerous times due to bad weather conditions over the Pacific. When it was finally time to launch, the morning of May 31st in China or the afternoon of May 30th in the Eastern Time Zone, Borschberg tweeted about his eagerness to launch.

Pacific flight will take over 130 non-stop hours.

The solar plane’s journey over the Pacific will last over 130 hours. Both pilots have trained in meditation and self-hypnosis to make them able to concentrate over long periods of time, and yoga to help them relax and exercise. If Borschberg is lucky and there is no turbulence, he may be able to put the plane on autopilot and take short 20-minute naps at night.

Solar Plane Begins Tough Pacific Journey - Clapway

Solar plane has a few comforts on board, as well as safety features.

Solar Impulse has a special seat that fully reclines, which lets the pilots exercise and relax. This seat also doubles as a toilet. Although that may sound sort of gross, it’s probably due to the need to economize space onboard. The solar plane will have plenty of food, water, and sports drinks–a week’s supply, in fact, just in case negative weather patterns cause the plane delays. In case something goes terribly wrong, there is a parachute and life raft for evacuation, as well as oxygen bottles in case the cabin becomes depressurized. The two-man crew openly states that something could go wrong, so they definitely aren’t taking any chances. If all goes well, though, Solar Impulse will then go on to cross the USA and the Atlantic Ocean, with Piccard operating the craft.

Solar Plane Begins Tough Pacific Journey

US: Scientists Discover Cause of Deaths of Hundreds of Turtles in Long Island, New York -

Scientists believe that they have finally solved the mystery surrounding the deaths of hundreds of turtles that washed up on shore in Long Island, New York. Hundreds of Diamond Back Terrapin washed onto the shore this past week leaving experts baffled as to what could have caused the death of so many of the small turtles, and citizens panicked about what a mass death of turtles like this could mean for their health and the health of the residents of Long Island.

Research leads experts to believe saxitocin is the cause

Upon examining the bodies of many of the dead creatures which were found in shockingly pristine condition, saxitoxin levels were found to be off the charts in the deceased turtles. Saxitoxin is a toxin found in shellfish, which rarely causes death in humans, but has proven to be fatal to the turtles washing up on the shore. The turtles are ingesting shellfish and other small organisms that are carrying the toxin, and it’s killing them because their bodies cannot withstand the effects of the toxins.

US- Scientists Discover Cause of Deaths of Hundreds of Turtles in Long Island, New York - Clapway

Origin of the toxins found in the turtles

Many experts believe that the toxin is found in the shell fish due to an increase in algae blooms which is the typical cause of the introduction of saxitoxin to the ecosystem. The shellfish in the water are consuming the algae in bloom, and the turtles are subsequently consuming the algae causing them to die off in high numbers.

An increase in algae blooms, and even small numbers of saxitoxin increasing are not uncommon. Although they are not usually seen to increase production to levels high enough to cause a mass die off such as this one. Experts are looking into the causes of the bloom which caused the deaths of hundreds of the turtles. Incidents like this are often attriuted to global warming, or other environmental changes causing massive disruption.

Ecosystems are especially fragile structures in which organisms rely on each other to maintain balance, but when a poison is introduced at the basic levels of the ecosystem dramatic changes can occur, and entire species can even be lost. While it was hundreds of unfortunate turtles who washed up on the shore, any species could feel the repercussions of the saxitoxin that contains the shellfish as part of their food chain.

US: Scientists Discover Cause of Deaths of Hundreds of Turtles in Long Island, New York

In search of lost memories, it"s easy to feel like you"re getting too old or your short-term memory is a bit of a bust. -

Soon there may be a real solution for those times when you’re trying to rack your brain to recall that lost piece. In search of lost memories, it’s easy to feel like you’re getting too old or your short-term memory is a bit of a bust.

Mice With Amnesia

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) — In a test on these furry victims of amnesia, mice were able to bring back their lost memories. As these mice had amnesia, it was not so much recovering lost memories as it was a reactivation of memories that had previously been blocked. Part of this testing involved optogenetics, a process of applying light to control our light-sensitive neurons.

The studies conclusions suggest lost memories sort of just sit around waiting to be discovered again. This is the case in the mice at least. This is good news for victims of amnesia because it suggests their memories could return through the process of activating brain cells with light.

Is Retrograde Amnesia an Issue of Storage or Retrieval of Memory?

Memory retrieval has been elusive of desired conclusiveness. Researchers at MIT’s Department of of Biology answered some hot topics in neuroscience and retrograde amnesia with this research. Retrograde amnesia follows traumatic injury (i.e. motorvehicle accidents), stress, or diseases (i. –e. Alzheimer’s). Retrograde amnesia occurs after specific brain cells have been damaged. In a event like this, it might be impossible for a following memory to be stored–or else it is blocked from recall, unable to be retrieved.

When it comes to amnesia, neuroscientists have debated whether it is a storage issue or a retrieval issue. MIT’s Department of of Biology found amnesia to be problem of retrieval.

In the process of recalling lost memories, what happens amongst the neurons in the brain’s network? The groups of neurons activated during this process could possibly be reactivated in future instances via a trigger of sorts. It could be the sight of something or the smell of something. In this study, it was a blue light that activated these neuron groups.

The MIT researchers used a technology called optogenetics to trigger the neuron groups that would retrieve memories. Via optogenetics, proteins are clinically added to the the neurons in order to allow them to be activated with light. The team hoped to acquire evidence to show that this group of neurons really exist in the brain–and in the hippocampus, in particular. They would be the first to really demonstrate this.

Engram Cells Recall Lost Memories After Optogenetic Light Activation

The neuron groups that express a memory after optogenetic light activation are called engram cells. This group of cells underwent an increased synaptic strength–in other words, the strength of the synapses connecting them got stronger.

When engram synapses strengthen, the brain is at an advantage because it will now be able to recall or access specific memories it is in search of. Moreover, the stronger connectivity pathways between these engram cells actually allows a more effective storage of memory information. The mice in the study were tested against this.

A compound called anisomycin was administered to the amnesiac mice right after they formed a new memory. The anisomycin is meant to block protein synthesis within the mice’s neurons, meaning that the synapses would not be allowed to strengthen. In the next day’s test, the mice were unable to recall the new memory despite any triggers.

While the same engram cells are there, without protein synthesis and synapse strengthening, the memory could not be kept and found. On the other hand, when researchers reactivated the protein synthesis and used optogentic tools as triggers, the mice were able to retrieve the memories.

U.S.: In Search of Lost Memories -- Restoring Memory With Light

U.S.: Hurricane Andres Strengthens to Category 2 Off the Coast of Mexico -

Hurricanes season is a terrifying time when depressions have the potential to become storms, and storms have the potential to turn into devastating named hurricanes. Hurricane Andres is the first named Hurricane of the Hurricane season, and while it seems that the now category 2 storm will not prove to be damaging to the United States, but the United States has seen the devastation of putting all its faith in forecasts which turned out to be incorrect, or at the very least misleading. In these days of drastic climate change, whether that be related to global warming, or just shifting air currents, the last thing to underestimate is the power of hurricane made strong by often unpredictable weather patterns.

How Strong is Hurricane Andres?

So far Hurricane Andres has strengthened from a small tropical storm, into a category 2 hurricane. Being a category 2 hurricane means that its wind speed are sustained somewhere between 90-100 miles per hour on average. At the moment Andres is moving Northwesterly at 8 Miles per Hour, and the hurricane force winds extend outward from the eye of the storm 30 miles. The National Weather Service and other experts are continuously monitoring this hurricane to be sure that it remains on its predicted path in which it loses strength and eventually dissipates, but if past hurricane seasons have shown the incredibly erratic behavior that hurricanes can show. During a 24 hour period in 2005 hurricane Wilma transformed from being a small hurricane with speeds of around 50 miles per hour, to category 5 hurricane reaching gusts of 185 miles per hour much to the chagrin of experts who had could not have predicted the strange path the hurricane took.

No need to panic yet say experts at The National Weather Service

The National Weather Service’s exact advisory in regards to the danger posed by the hurricane is, “There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.” There is no need to break out the flashlights, and fire up the generator as of yet, but it is important for citizens who may be affected by hurricane season to have all their supplies ready far enough in advanced, or face being unprepared if Hurricane Andres changes course and threatens to make landfall.

U.S.: Hurricane Andres Strengthens to Category 2 Off the Coast of Mexico

Argentina: Thieves Attempt to Steal Massive Amounts of Rare Meteorites -

Daring thieves in Argentina tried to make off with more than just your average bounty. Four men in Argentina have been arrested for stealing more than 200 pieces and 3300 pounds of the rare meteorites–or space rock. Among the men were one man from Paraguay and three from the Argentina. It is likely that the men will face time in prison for smuggling so much of the rare space substance, and the rocks can now be returned to where they belong in Argentina.

Significance of the Space Rock

Authorities believe that the pieces of meteorite came from an area known as the “Field of Heaven” not far from where the men were nabbed by police. The site is known for its large density of rare meteorites, and is protected by the government. Meaning that people can go in, but none of the meteorites are legally allowed to leave the site. The area contains dozens of craters. Since 1567 the area has been known by the government, but prior to that the natives described the mysterious origin of the rocks as, “The Natives claimed that the mass had fallen from the sky in a place they called Piguem Nonralta which the Spanish translated as Campo del Cielo (“Field of Heaven”).”

Argentina- Thieves Attempt to Steal Massive Amounts of Rare Meteorites - Clapway


The natives had a very early and curious knowledge of the mysterious site where over a dozen craters littered the earth. The second largest Meterorite ever discovered also resides in the area, “El Chaco” weighs a whopping 81,571 Pounds.

Why try to steal so many rare meteorites from the site?

Chances are the after they took the rare meteorites, the men were then going to turn around and sell the pieces illegally to collectors. There is a large demand for the rocks, because they are incredibly rare. Very few places on earth exist with as many fragments of meteorite as the “Field of Heaven.” In fact this not the first time that someone has attempted the steal and profit from a rock in the region. In 1990 a thief was thwarted trying to sell “El Chaco” to an American collector, and even had the massive stone in transport before being made by a highway police officer.

The stones will be returned safely to where they belong to continue to be shared with all humans, but this isn’t the last time that someone tries to exploit the site for profit.

Argentina- Thieves Attempt to Steal Massive Amounts of Rare Meteorites - Clapway

Argentina: Thieves Attempt to Steal Massive Amounts of Rare Meteorites

"I learnt to enjoy going at my own pace, moving in silence and having the confidence to make choices alone." -

I’m not one that travels alone often but with a lot of spare time and an itching to go and do something new, I decided to take a day trip to the Lake District by myself. I have travelled alone before but usually I end up meeting a friend when I reach my destination so I’m not used to being completely independent. But in this trip, I learnt to enjoy going at my own pace, moving in silence and having the confidence to make choices alone.
Solo Trip to The Lake District - Clapway

The Lake District (also known as The Lakes or Lakeland) is a mountainous National Park in North East England. I travelled by foot in the towns of Windermere and Bowness. The lady at the information centre was very helpful and pointed out to me the different viewpoints in the Lake District and I spent my day going between these. Being alone meant having to navigate completely by myself. Thankfully iPhones were invented so this allowed me to figure out where I was going without getting too lost. The towns in the Lake District are very classical English countryside towns: no busy high streets and tall buildings but lots of nature, small shops and narrow winding roads.

Solo Trip to The Lake District - Clapway

There was a lot of hiking up hills, but it was definitely worth it when you were treated to some spectacular sights. I had to be very careful when I was hiking up because as I was alone, if I tripped and fell, there would be no one to help me. But I took my time, calculated my steps and took it at a leisurely pace. And as mentioned, there were some terrific views of the beauty that is the English countryside so the hiking was definitely worth it. Another positive of travelling alone meant taking as long as I needed to take photos of the scenery without having to wait for any impatient friends.

Solo Trip to The Lake District - Clapway

If I had more time, I could have taken a boat ride, or hired a bike and seen some other towns. But even if it were only for one day, I would definitely visit a day out in the Lake District if you end up in the North of England.


Solo Trip to The Lake District

"So much of adventure is the space that you"re in, but a large part of it is also time that is shared. It was in high school that I first fell in love with adventure and New York City."-

So much of adventure is the space that you’re in, but a large part of it is also time that is shared. It was in high school that I first fell in love with adventure and New York City. Falling in love with New York — falling in love with its adventure — feels like every native New Yorker’s birthright. But that feeling seems to have lost its way. I’m lost in New York City.

I feel numb, as though I’ve lost my sense of purpose and adventure. Not my purpose in life per se, but just in the motivation of things. I’m still very excited and interested in the smaller things, but I can no longer see the bigger picture. I know I once had it. Perhaps it’s still there somewhere, and that’s why I say it’s lost. And what are lost things meant for? They’re meant to be found. I want to find it, but where do I begin?

New York City. The greatest city in the world. “The Big Apple”. An apple to represent life and its vibrance. How ironic, to think the size of it would become the challenge.

I guess in a sense my world’s lost its color. I still see the shades, but that’s all there is. Just a different tone, in a different light. No more vibrance. Life just isn’t exotic. It isn’t as mystifying as it once was. It’s as though I’m a painting and the people around me, the painters. I recently lost a very important painter in my life. And she had all the right colors.

But you know what’s funny? As I lose color, I gain depth. And somewhere in that depth I am sure adventure awaits…

On Adventure Lost in New York City

Hiking the Scandinavian Mountains -- A Must for Every Hiker -

The Scandinavian mountain range, running through most of Sweden and Norway, is one of the most underrated hiking locations on the planet. With its vast valleys and low, snow-capped mountains, this northern mountain chain presents a unique landscape filled to the brink with natural treasures to be discovered. And yet, hardly anyone has it on their bucket list! But there are many reasons why you need to consider going hiking in the Scandinavian mountains:

They Form the Famous Fjords of Norway

Everyone’s heard of the magical fjords of Norway, but few people are aware that they actually make up part of the Scandinavian mountain chain. There aren’t a lot of mountain chains overlooking the ocean like this, making this such a rare location, where the mountains fall into the waters to form these famously beautiful fjords. This alone warrants a visit!

Hiking the Scandinavian Moutains - a Must for Every Hiker -- Clapway

It is Easily Traversed by any Hiker

With its highest peak resting at a modest 2400 meters, the Scandinavian mountain chain is not one of the highest – or steepest – mountain chains out there. And although this doesn’t exactly make it a hotspot for hardcore mountain climbers, it makes the area more than perfect for the thrill-seeking hiker. Because once you remove the steep cliffs, and the need for advanced climbing gear, you get perfect conditions for the hiker who can’t be bothered with too much complicated equipment.

It’s a Prime Location to see the Aurora

There aren’t a lot of mountains in the world that can boast a view of regular and plentiful aurora. But being located so far to the north, the Scandinavian mountains provide a perfect location for spotting this heavenly phenomenon. Whenever the sky is clear and dark enough, there is a high chance of crossing off seeing the Aurora from your bucket list. And the isolation and long distance from any artificial lights don’t exactly ruin the experience.

It can be Safely Hiked in the Dead of Winter

Mountains tend to be dangerous places to be during the winter, with snow storms, avalanches and freezing temperatures. Not so with the Scandinavian mountains! Thanks to its relatively calm location, and its low altitudes, this mountain chain has some of the least inhospitable winter conditions, with many hiking tracks remaining open year round. All you need to do is replace your hiking boots with your skis and head out!

It Experiences the Midnight Sun

As if constant aurora spectacles weren’t enough, the Scandinavian mountains also boast an annual occurrence of midnight sun – a yearly phenomenon with (you guessed it!) sunlight all throughout the night. Being located so far to the north, a big part of the Scandinavian mountain chain stretches above the Arctic Circle. This basically means that, for a few weeks every summer, the sun never sets. It’s quite an experience to stand atop a mountain and watch a sunset that lasts for hours without actually setting.

So if you’re a hiker looking for the experience of a lifetime, don’t forget to add the Scandinavian mountains to your bucket list!

Hiking the Scandinavian Mountains -- A Must for Every Hiker

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Climate Change Increases Super Typhoon Intensity -

A recent study put forth by an international team of researchers discovered that the increasing temperature on Mars has been giving strength to the intensity of typhoons on Earth, specifically in the Northwest Pacific region. The researchers also concluded that the ferocity of tropical cyclones will only gradually rise and increase, with change in the earth’s climate over the next several decades.

Over 800 super typhoons were closely examined during the length of this study, and scientists realized that the intensity of the storms has risen nearly 10 percent since the 1970s. According to Wei Mei, a climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California and co-author of the study, the increase has been nothing less than surprising.

During further research, experts used almost 20 models and projection of CO2 emissions, and discovered that the maximum intensity of storms like super Typhoon Haiyan — the typhoon that hit the Philippines in 2013 and one of the most powerful storms ever recorded — will become ever stronger in the near future if temperatures continue to rise.

How Stronger Will This Become?

According to the data in the study published in the journal Science Advances, intense storms such as Typhoon Haiyan will be producing an approximate 14 percent increase in strength and intensity by the year 2100. While the researchers were in the middle of the study, they tried to identify whether certain variables responsible for more dominating events, like warmer sea surface temperatures, may be countered by changes in oceans. The strength of a cyclone and the speed to which it grows depend on the surface temperature before the storm, and the difference in temperature between the surface and subsurface.

Storms like Haiyan can very possibly affect the areas in their pathway. In 2013, the resulting damage of Typhoon Haiyan caused over 6,000 casualties and left over 1,000 missing in the Philippines alone.

The study found that the rise in sea surface temperatures was causing an increase in the intensity of typhoon. According to the research, “The strengthened typhoon intensity poses heightened threats to human society and marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Meanwhile, the intensification of these powerful storms may accelerate ocean warming and affect heat transport in both the ocean and the atmosphere.”

Climate Change Increases Super Typhoon Intensity

Japan: Earthquake Risk Shows in New Large Quake -

Japan once again showed its earthquake risk to the world as an estimated 7.8-magnitude quake hit off the coast on Saturday, causing tremors and shaking buildings in Tokyo. Fortunately, there were no reports of tsunamis.

Japan Sits on High Risk Location

The country sits where four tectonic plates meet, which causes Japan to have an earthquake risk of about 20 percent a year. This particular quake was reported to have an epicenter about 874 kilometers from Tokyo in the Pacific Ocean, according to the US Geological Survey, and was at a depth of 696 kilometers, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Japan Earthquake Risk One of the Highest in World

Japan is known to have a very high earthquake risk. EQECAT is a company that shows the earthquake risk of an area. The model uses 1,300 years of earthquake history to help determine a specific country’s earthquake risk.

History has shown that some of the biggest earthquakes in the world have hit in Japan. In 2011, the M9 Tohoku-oki 9.0-magnitude quake hit Japan. It is the fourth largest quake ever recorded and the most expensive — it caused more than $200 billion worth of damage, thousands of casualties, and it caused the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear energy plant and a large tsunami to hit the northeast coast of Japan.

Deep Tremors are Less Damaging

The current quake on Saturday wasn’t anywhere near the magnitude of damage or loss of the 2011 earthquake, but it still shows the constant earthquake risk faced by its residents. In fact, it was the second quake to hit the area this past week, after another earthquake was recorded near the capital city of Tokyo on Monday.

This latest quake was centered deep underground at 696 meters, which earthquake science shows makes it less likely to trigger something such as a deadly tsunami like the one in 2011 did. In addition, a deep underground earthquake has also generally been shown to cause less damage, since the quake can dissipate to some extent before it hits the surface.

No matter the magnitude, this latest earthquake in Japan shows its residents the continued earthquake risk in their country and that they should be prepared at all times.

Japan: Earthquake Risk Shows in New Large Quake

92-Year-Old Runner Vows to Run Historic Race -

Harriet Thompson of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a 92-year-old runner who is putting younger runners to shame. running her 16th Suja Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon this weekend.

Thompson is going to be the star of the “show,” even though there will be around 26,000 other participants in this race for charity. She will, however, be the oldest woman to complete the marathon if she finishes the entire 26.2 miles this year.

92-Year-Old Runner Setting Records

The Suja Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon starts off at Balboa Park and ends at PETCO Park. Last year, Thompson set the record for running the fastest speed by women who were 90 years old and over, by completing the marathon in seven hours and seven minutes. It was a whopping improvement over the previous record of nine hours and 53 minutes.

Thompson says that it’s normal to get attention once someone gets to their 90s, but says she is having fun, riding first class from her home in Charlotte to San Diego and getting to stay in a hotel right across from the area of the race finish line.

Thompson’s First Marathon Was at Age 76

Thompson wasn’t always a marathon runner. In fact, she didn’t start doing it until she turned 76. She said she got interested when one of her church members was collecting donations for running a marathon — which was, coincidentally, the Suja Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon — to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Thompson herself has fought off cancer twice, and many of her family and friends have lost battles to cancer, so raising money for the charity was dear to her heart. Since her first marathon, the 92-year-old runner has managed to raise over $90,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The race itself has come close to earning $180 million for the cause.

Living life to its fullest

The 92-year-old runner says that she has lots to do. She exercises daily, runs or walks five days a week, plays bridge, and reads the paper. She has five children and 10 grandkids to keep her busy. She says she loves San Diego and loves all the attention she has been getting.

If Thompson is able to finish this year’s race, she will beat out the former record holder Gladys Burrill, who was a few months younger than Thompson when she ran the Honolulu Marathon in 2010.

92-Year-Old Runner Vows to Run Historic Race

Researchers Find Way to Starve HIV Virus -

Researchers from Northwestern and Vanderbuilt universities have recently completed a study that used an experimental compound to prevent the Human Immunodeficiency Virus from feeding. The HIV virus needs to feed on sugar and other nutrients in a person’s bloodstream in order to reproduce, so blocking the nutrient pipeline prevents the virus cells from multiplying.

Scientists found “switch” that can be used to starve HIV-infected cells

Once a person contracts the disease, the virus needs a certain type of immune cell, called the CD4+ T-cell, that is active and responds to blood pathogens. When a T-cell becomes active, its supply of sugar and other nutrients needed for cell growth increases. A cell component known as phospholipase D1 (PLD1) needs to be turned on to allow for the intake of the supply of nutrients. PLD1 wasn’t previously known to be responsible for the increase of nutrient flow upon activation. The team of scientists working on this study reasoned that blocking this cell compound would shut down the nutrient pipeline.

Experimental compound used to shut down nutrient flow and starve HIV infected cells

The researchers used an experimental compound to block PLD1 in HIV-infected cells and turn off nutrient flow. The compound prevented the virus from stealing the cells’ nutrients, which in turn basically stopped the virus from multiplying. Normally, HIV would lead to an excess of cell activation as well as to the massive growth of immune cells, which would contribute to organ damage and inflammation in HIV positive people. What is impressive about this compound is the fact that it leaves healthy cells completely alone.

Current HIV medication only suppresses virus

HIV medication that is now on the market acts by suppressing the HIV virus, but does nothing to starve the HIV virus and prevent it from multiplying. Thus, the medication still can’t prevent early organ failure and massive swelling that patients have to undergo. When administered, the experimental compound should be able to aid with these symptoms.

The newly discovered compound may also have a niche in cancer treatment, since cancer cells also have voracious appetites. Cancerous cells need huge amounts of glucose and other nutrients to grow to fuel their unchecked growth.

Researchers Find Way to Starve HIV Virus

U.S.: Uber Tracking Policy Changing to Track Riders -

News comes that Uber is planning to put into place a new tracking policy. The change will update the privacy policy for riders. This new update will allow Uber to track a rider’s position if it gets permission from the rider to do so. The program will run in the background of the Uber mobile app and works on both Android and iOS phones.

Uber says that this new Uber tracking policy will help the rider get places faster. As of July 15, riders are going to be asked if they want to share their contacts with the private cab company. If they do, Uber will give the rider and their contacts a chance to get discounts and other special offers.

Uber Tracking Policy Is Optional For Riders

Riders who use Uber should be aware that there is no need for alarm if they don’t want to share their contact information or participate in this policy change. The Uber tracking policy change and the sharing of contacts is optional. If they do choose to participate, the mobile Uber app will work in real time to track a rider.

Users Who Opt In Will Get More Precise Pickups

The previous Uber tracking policy was that once a user requested an Uber cab, the Uber driver would travel to where a pin was dropped by the Uber mobile app user. If a rider doesn’t want to participate in the new tracking option, the method will remain the same for those users. However, Uber says the new app will make it less likely for a driver to miss the rider’s pinned pickup location.

Those who allow the Uber tracking policy to track them wouldn’t have to stay in the predetermined pickup spot. Since it runs in the background of the app, the new tracking device also won’t prevent the user from working on some other app on their device while they wait for the Uber cab to show up.

Tracker makes it Easier to Find Riders

The Uber tracking policy update could essentially save Uber users both time and money. Uber says that it understands the concern about privacy issues: the company has hired a third party that is an expert on the subject to review the new tracking application.

U.S.: Uber Tracking Policy Changing to Track Riders

France: UNESCO Says Protect the Great Barrier Reef -

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is a beautiful habitat that teems with diverse marine life. The UN World Heritage Committee has issued a statement, saying that it is imperative that Australia continue to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

The committee recently decided not to list the Great Barrier Reef as an endangered habitat. However, it has required Australia to give it a plan to conserve the Great Barrier Reef from environmental problems. The 35-year plan has to be turned in by December 2016.

Climate Change and Other Issues Affect Great Barrier Reef

UNESCO report states that there were several concerns about possible future problems. These issues include climate change, global warming, costal development projects, pollution, coal mining, dredging and the building of new coal ports.

Other organizations also expressed their concerns to protect the Great Barrier Reef. For one, Greenpeace Australia Reef said that the government couldn’t keep talking about protection of the reef while it support the expansion of coal ports and mining in the area.

Despite this, the Australian government has spearheaded some extensive conservation efforts in the past. The Federal Environment and Queensland Labor has worked to turn around the spoilage and degradation in areas surrounding the reef. Part of that plan included permanently banning offshore dredging and spoil dumping, as well as targeting the reduction of nitrogen and sediment.

Conservation groups stressed that there is still a great need to protect the Great Barrier Reef. They want the government to announce concrete plans for protection and to outline the ways in which the plans will truly be effective.

Endangered status of Reef Might Have Affected Tourism

As a country that thrives majorly off of tourism, Australia would definitely lose large amounts of funding if the reef was listed as endangered by UNESCO, and if inadequate efforts are made to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

The bottom line is that if the magnificent, beautiful and life-filled Australian Great Barrier Reef is to survive and thrive, there is a need to protect it. Hopefully, the Australian government’s proposed 35-year conservation plan will successfully see this through.

France: UNESCO Says Protect the Great Barrier Reef

NASA Space Launch System in Critical Design Phase -

NASA is currently in the critical design review phase of its highly anticipated Space Launch System. In this phase, the project leaders will be going over all parts of the project from top to bottom. The leaders are all looking over every sheet of the vehicle’s design for any possible flaws. If all goes well in this stage of the process, the SLS will move into the manufacturing phase, and begin to cut and assemble parts together.

This new Space Launch System will make history in more ways than one

The Space Launch System is an extended space shuttle booster rocket that’s been in the works for years. It was first test fired in March of this year. NASA hopes that it will be fully ready for a launch in 2018. The project is both important and historic, since NASA hasn’t gotten this far with an exploration-type vehicle since 1977. The SLS will also be the largest rocket on Earth, taller than the Statue of Liberty, and feature the world’s most powerful engine, at 22 million horsepower.

The Space Launch System team hopes to be in deep space by 2018

The fast-approaching deadline of 2018, just two and a half years from now, should be even more of a historic landmark. A new design in deep space exploration vehicles that will help propel it into outer space is about as important as it gets in this field.

SLS is made of a mix of old and new parts

What’s set to be the world’s largest and most powerful rocket is actually not 100 percent new. It uses 23 parts from old shuttles, in addition to newly developed parts. The Space Launch System booster is made composed of five segments — one more than the number used on shuttles in the past. Along with four RS-25 engines, the boosters will propel a spacecraft with enough power to escape Earth’s gravitational pull in two minutes. The boosters themselves will provide three quarters of the lift. With this record-breaking rocket in the works, the Space Launch System’s proposed 2018 launch will certainly be a momentous event.

NASA Space Launch System in Critical Design Phase

China: Xanadu Dragons Found in Genghis Khan’s City -

Xanadu is the city of legends and mystery, in which Genghis Khan’s grandsons once build a great palace. Now, three beautifully colored Xanadu dragons have been discovered there.

The discovered dragonhead clay statues are very well preserved. They were constructed of red clay and colored with blue, yellow, black and white glaze. These Xanadu dragons would have been placed on the end of beams and acted as a form of decoration in the palace.

Xanadu Palace Built by Genghis Khan’s Grandsons

The palace in which the Xanadu dragons were discovered covers an area of more than 100,000 square feet. It had been undergoing an excavation when the statues were discovered by researchers.

The palace was built in 1256 in Xanadu — known as Shangdu by the Chinese — during the reign of one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons, Mongke Khan. The leader of the Mongol Empire died only three years later in 1259, and was succeeded by another one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons, Kublai Khan, who actually eventually in the design of the city. The site of the palace includes three sections: the imperial city, the outer city and the palatial district. The whole site covers more than 120 acres of land.

Xanadu Dragons Help Show History of Xanadu

Xanadu was destroyed in 1368, but despite its fairly short existence, it was romanticized in legends and stories detailing Genghis Khan and his descendent line of powerful rulers. The discovery of the Xanadu dragons is helping to show what the palace looked like in its prime.

Besides the Xanadu dragons, the researchers found other interesting items at the palace site. These included a “mandao,” a ramp that allowed horses, animals and vehicles access to the court. This was an important find, as it emphasizes the importance of animals in the Mongolian way of life. Other artifacts found include: brightly colored fish head statues made of clay that were colored with a green and yellow glaze, and tiles and dripstones with decorative patterns made to resemble dragons and birds.

Several Teams Involved In Xanadu Excavations

Several research teams are involved in the excavation of Xanadu, which began in 2009. Some of these teams include the Inner Mongolia Normal University, the Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics, and the Archaeology and Inner Mongolian Institute for Cultural Relics Conservation. Results of their finds, along with information on the Xanadu dragons, are now printed in an English version in the most recent volume of Chinese Cultural Relics.

China: Xanadu Dragons Found in Genghis Khan’s City

U.S.: California Beaches Reopen After Oil Blobs Appear -

After an oil spill off the coast of California, things are finally returning to a state of normalcy. For three days in California, seven miles of beaches have been closed due the mysterious appearance of large of amounts of oil on the coast. Authorities believe that it may be related to an oil tanker or a refinery nearby, but for now, the origin remains unclear, and it could take days or even weeks to discover the origin of the curious goo.

Beaches empty for days affect travelers headed there for the weekend

Only cleanup crews and experts have been allowed anywhere near the plagued areas since the blobs of oil started to appear south of Santa Monica in the past few days. Beach-goers were escorted away from beaches in the days following the spill, and were not allowed to return for many days. This affected the local businesses in the area, because without beach visitors being able to swim in the ocean, the restaurants and shops nearest to the site no longer get the foot traffic that they rely so heavily on. Although it has been shut down for days, the Coast Guard issued a statement declaring the beaches’ safety: “The South Bay Incident Unified Command reopened El Segundo, Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beaches for public use at 6:30 p.m. Friday. The Los Angeles County Public Health Department has deemed the beaches safe for the public.”

Possible origins of the mysterious oil blobs

Although 101,000 gallons of oil were recently spilled off the coast of California, so far experts have not linked the two events together in any way. While it is possible that the two occurrences are related, speculation has not led experts to link them to each other yet. In their statement, the Coast Guard acknowledges that the origins of the oil globs are unknown, but under current investigation, “The Coast Guard and California Department of Fish and Wildlife have collected tar ball samples. Laboratory analysis of this material to determine a possible source is still pending.”

The beaches are open for now, but the environmental implications of the mysterious blobs have yet to be identified, just as the blobs themselves are still a mystery. Experts worked hard to clean up the affected beaches, and in the coming days, the exact origin will hopefully be identified and made known to the public.

U.S.: California Beaches Reopen After Oil Blobs Appear

U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame to Relocate -

The U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame will soon be moved to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. It will become a brand new featured attraction to be called “Heroes and Legends.” The Astronaut Hall of Fame is currently located about seven miles west of the space center.

The new Heroes and Legends display and interactive attraction will be constructed right in the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. 25 astronauts were on hand Friday, May 29 to help break ground for the start of the relocation project.

Astronaut Hall of Fame Relocation to Recreate Atmosphere of Space for Visitors

The new Heroes and Legends attraction is planned in a way so that the visitors will move through a section of rooms designed to make them feel as if they are actually gliding in space. The building will include features such as a 360-degree video and audio presentation, as well as holograms and virtual reality exhibitions of selected astronauts’ experiences. There will also be exciting special effects in the 3D theater and other high-tech interactive adventures for guests.

The relocation is also meant to give guests a taste of the bravery that all of the astronauts shared. The project is anticipated to premiere 2016, but so far there has been no mention of the financial plan for the new center.

Original Astronaut Hall of Fame Has Been Around For 25 Years

The current Astronaut Hall of Fame building and displays have been there for 25 years, and the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex has been in charge of its maintenance and ownership since 2000. Currently, there are 87 astronauts in the Astronaut Hall of Fame, including greats like John Glenn and Jim Lovell, as well as Neil Armstrong (among the first humans to land on the moon) and Alan Shepard, the first man to play golf on the moon.

Astronaut Hall of Fame Adding More Members

Four more astronauts are set to join this prestigious group for the Astronaut Hall of Fame’s 25th anniversary. They will include: John Grunsfeld, who was part of five space shuttle missions; Steven Lindsey, who also had five shuttle missions and more than 1,500 hours in space; Kent Rominger, who has had five missions and over 1,600 hours of space travel; and M. Rhea Seddon, one of the first women to join NASA.

The new interactive display is meant to honor the astronauts, but it also will give guests a better understanding of how the astronauts lived, worked and breathed during space travel.

U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame to Relocate

Russia: 2,400-year-Old Bongs Found With Marijuana, Opium -

Amidst continual political debates over the use and legalization of marijuana, recent news sheds light on a most intriguing discovery made back in 2013. Archaeologists dug up a set of solid gold vessels in a large grave mound in the Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia. The vessels were identified to be “bongs” that were once used by tribes to smoke (and indulge in) cannabis and opium.

Marijuana treasures buried deep in the Russian mountains

This remarkable discovery was made in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, where the Scythians once ruled between the ninth century B.C. and the fourth century. The Scythians were a nomadic group who hailed from the region that is today occupied by Iran. They once inhabited a vast extent of the Eurasian Steppe. This tribe conquered a great portion of the Eurasian landscape, and once ruled for one thousand years.

The artifacts that the archaeologists dug up are most curious. They are a set of ornately embellished golden “vessels,” decorated with depictions of both humans and animals. They were found inside a chamber located in the grave mound, which was buried beneath piles of stone and clay. Along with these vessels, archaeologists retrieved seven pounds worth of other gold items, including an ancient ring, two neck rings and a gold bracelet.

The finest ancient objects found in the region held marijuana

Detailed analysis of the sticky black residue left in the golden cups showed that they once were used to hold both marijuana and opium. These cups were actually discovered in 2013 when the burial ground was cleared to make a path for the power line in the area. Both forms of narcotics were apparently mixed in the cup and used simultaneously.

As with all finds like these, the researchers hope that the ornamented vessels — which are decorated with detailed battle scenes showing warriors, griffins, horses and stags — will give us insight into Scythian culture.

There is no doubt that the Scythians used both marijuana and opium at the same time in the cups. Some researchers speculate that the mixture was brewed during celebrations of battle victories. The next step is to figure out the context that these artifacts were once used in, in order to have an increased understanding of the culture.

Russia: 2,400-year-Old Bongs Found With Marijuana, Opium

New Origami Robot Folds Up, Self-Destructs -

A new origami robot with autonomous functions is turning heads. This new robot can fold itself up, move on its own and, if needed, can self-destruct when commanded to. The robot was created by scientists from both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (where a team recently engineered the world’s first four-legged AI robot cheetah) and the Technische Universität München in Germany.

The team behind this creation presented the robot at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Seattle, Washington, hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This is a conference that takes place annually for scientists to showcase their new inventions.

Features of the New Origami Robot

The origami robot was designed by the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. The current model is 1.7 centimeters in length and is a third of a gram in weight. It has a neodymium magnet with layers of polystyrene and PVC. If the robot’s materials are heated, it can transform itself into other shapes — hence the “origami” part of its name.

The use of Magnetic Field Propulsion

Instead of intricate wiring, the robot uses a magnetic field for propulsion. The field is made of four special coils that power the robot’s movements with cycles of 15 on and off Hertz of power. It can be commanded to walk, swim or roll. When exposed to acetone, the robot can be made to self-destruct. Researchers are also trying to find a way to make it possible for it to self-destruct in regular water.

New Origami Robot Has Many Possible Uses

The new robot is said to have several possible applications. It could potentially be used for medical procedures. To do this, a smaller version of the current model would have to be manufactured. It would be inserted into the patient’s bloodstream, and will navigate to the area of operation. After operating on the patient, it would be made to self-destruct by dissolving in the patient’s stomach.

Another possible use of the origami robot is planetary exploration. Various sizes and models of the robot could collect soil or rock samples, and fit through tiny openings to study objects that are otherwise impossible to reach.

This new origami robot is just one of the examples of new technology that can someday help us execute our jobs in an easier, safer and more effective manner.

New Origami Robot Folds Up, Self-Destructs

Google I/O Conference Announces Great New Innovations -

If you think that Google is just a company that provides maps and driving directions, you’re going to have to adjust your thinking. Google has its fingers in a lot more pies than you could imagine, and it finally presented to us its newest innovations during its annual Google I/O conference in San Francisco this year.

Meeting of Minds at Google I/O Conference

The Google I/O conference is an incredible congregation of creative coders, developers and innovators in the field of consumer electronics. Those attending the conference get a peak at what Google developers are up to. For those who couldn’t attend the conference in person, the conference provided a real-time online live streaming video.

Day One: Android M and Virtual Reality

Day one of this year’s Google I/O conference was somewhat ho-hum and didn’t offer much that the public wasn’t already aware of. Android M took top billing with the announcement of changes that will be more interesting to developers than end users. The biggest news is that there will be an improved battery life for the Android. The phone will have increased features that will shut down uncritical apps when the phone is idle. Other Android M improvements include limited Chrome download results when experiencing poor Internet connection, as well as offline Google Maps.

Day Two: innovation of “smart clothes”

The biggest wow of the second day was the announcement of “smart fabric.” Through its Project Jacquard from the Google Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group, Google is finding ways to integrate connective material into woven fabric so that it will work like a touch pad. The company is collaborating with famous jean maker Levi Strauss to bring interactive clothing to the public. The team has created conductive yarn that works on the same machinery that is used by textile makers. The “brains” for the smart clothes are designed to be about the size of a button, but Google is hoping to make them smaller, so that it becomes nearly unnoticeable.

Other showcases from ATAP at the Google I/O conference included Project Abacus, which is searching for new ways to provide better personal electronics security that will be able to forgo using passwords. Furthermore, Project Soli is working with wearable radar that would provide hand gesture input for personal devices. This device will allow you to do things like play music by just waving your hands in the air.

All in all, this year’s Google I/O conference has provided a lot of excitement for developers and consumers alike. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before the innovations show up in stores.

Google I/O Conference Announces Great New Innovations

Cassini Prepares For Close Encounter With Saturn -

NASA‘s Cassini spacecraft is getting ready for a close encounter with Saturn tomorrow. The spacecraft will take pictures of Saturn’s moon, Hyperion. Hyperion is large and shaped irregularly, and has a disorderly orbit around Saturn.

Hyperion is only 168 miles in diameter and its chaotic orbit around Saturn makes it difficult to be studied by scientists. Therefore, data extracted from this close encounter with Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft will prove to be valuable for scientists.

Encounter with Saturn Will Gather Many New Details

The Cassini spacecraft is expected to encounter Hyperion at only 21,000 miles from its surface, at around 9:36 a.m. EDT on Sunday. The most notable encounter happened on September 26, 2005, when the spacecraft got to a mere 314 miles away from Hyperion.

Scientists hope to be able to see details of the moon’s terrain, and see if they differ from previous documented information. Images of Hyperion will be beamed to Earth by Cassini. We already know that Hyperion appears to have a strange, spongy appearance due to its having a very low density for such a large moon. This means that it likely has a very weak force of gravity and that if something impacts its surface, the object may push the surface in instead of making a dent or crater.

Cassini Is Part of the Cassini-Huygens Mission Venture

The Cassini spacecraft is part of the Cassini-Huygens mission,  a partnership between NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.

So far, it has made several notable accomplishments on this mission. For instance, in 2005, it discovered evidence that icy sprays were forming on Saturn’s sixth biggest moon, Enceladus. Research later confirmed that there was hydrothermal activity on this moon, and reported that the ice sprays could be curtains or sheets, instead of being jet-like.

Cassini Continues Saturn Exploration Mission

Cassini will continue routing for its close encounter with Saturn next month, when it is expected to fly within 321 miles of the moon Dione. In addition, it will fly by Enceladus in October and get within 30 miles of the moon to get more data on the icy spray mystery.

Once Cassini has finished its mission of collecting data and taking photos of Saturn and its moons, it is expected to start making dives into the rings of Saturn some time in 2016.

Cassini Prepares For Close Encounter With Saturn

U.K.: Rare Giraffe Birth Seen in Zoo -

Astonished and excited UK zoo visitors at the Paignton Zoo in Devon were in for a surprise when they were able to watch a rare, endangered Rothschild giraffe give birth to a calf yesterday afternoon.

The giraffe mother, Sangha, went into labor at around 2:30 p.m., even though giraffes common give birth at night. She delighted the crowd when she decided to give birth to her baby right in front of viewers in the giraffe house. The zoo-goers and the zoo keepers watched Sangha give birth to a healthy male calf measuring 5 feet 10 inches.

Rare Giraffe Calf Took More Than a Year to Come to Term

Sangha’s gestation period lasted from 400 to 460 days. Typically, the female giraffe gives birth to the calf while standing, and that’s why the umbilical cord breaks as the baby falls to the ground. The father of the new giraffe calf is Yoda, a giraffe from the Denmark Givskud Zoo, who has been in Devon since September 2006. Mom Sangha came to Devon from the Liberec Zoo in the Czech Republic.

Keepers Hope Mother Can Raise the New Calf

Paignton Zoo keepers say they hope Sangha is able to rear the new baby giraffe and were hopeful as their remote cameras showed the baby feeding from its mother overnight.

This is Sangha’s third time giving birth at the zoo. Her kids include Otilie, born in 2012, and Joanna, born in 2014. The herd of endangered Rothschild giraffes at the zoo also includes another young calf, Eliska, who was born in January 2015, to another mother giraffe at the zoo named Janica, who came to the zoo from the Duvr Kralove Zoon in the Czech Republic.

Rothschild Giraffe a Protected and Endangered Species

Rothschild giraffes are found in Kenya and Uganda, but the wild herds only number in the hundreds and are endangered. This species of giraffe can be identified by their clear and defined markings that are of a very dark color. This breed of giraffes is protected and part of a European Endangered Species Program for the type, so the birth of this baby giraffe is certainly a welcome addition to the species.

U.K.: Rare Giraffe Birth Seen in Zoo

Friday, May 29, 2015

U.S.: Endeavour Fuel Tank Goes on Display in California -

The California Science Center located in Los Angeles, California, will soon be displaying the space shuttle Endeavour with its giant orange fuel tank. NASA retired the Endeavour two years ago after its 25th flight into space and the Endeavour fuel tank will now be displayed at its side. Both the space shuttle and its fuel tank will be on permanent display at the Center’s Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center.

Great New Home for Endeavour Fuel Tank

The California Science Center is an innovative place to learn science. The external tank was a component of the initial space shuttle launch. It contained liquid hydrogen fuel and liquid oxygen oxidizer. While lifting off it supplied the fuel and the oxidizer to the three space shuttle engines. These external tanks are not re-usable and some were never recovered after launch.

Toyota Pickup Truck Hauls Endeavour to Space Center

The silver Toyota Tundra truck that officially transported the Endeavour is now on display at the Science Center. It was chosen to haul the space shuttle 12 miles from Los Angeles International Airport to the Center. It is part of the exhibit Giant Lever that demonstrates how to pick up large objects. The Giant Lever has been an exhibit since 2003 and it invites people to use a giant purple lever to hoist the truck into the air.

The Endeavour fuel tank will arrive by barge, traveling from the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana, pass through the Panama Canal and eventually arrive in Marina Del Rey, California. It will then take it a day to travel through the streets of Los Angeles to Exhibition Park where the Science Center is located. The actual move will take place any time from the later part of 2015 to early 2016.

The California Story

The Center is open to the public seven days a week, excluding holidays. The facility first opened in 1998 and houses four major exhibits: World of Life, Creative World, Ecosystems, and Air and Space Exhibits, which include the Endeavour and its fuel tank, along with live shows, attractions and temporary exhibits. All the exhibits have a Discovery Room for younger children that are designed to teach with a hands-on experience.

The experience of seeing the space shuttle and its giant orange fuel tank begins with “Endeavour: The California Story,” that exhibits artifacts from the orbiter and fabulous images, along with other items that relate the shuttle program to California.

U.S.: Endeavour Fuel Tank Goes on Display in California

Epigenetic Study: How Environments Affected Ancient Humans -

A new study from The University of Texas at Austin concluded that there are epigenetic marks on DNA that can be found in a high degree of ancient human remains, and that these signs can shed light on the effects that the natural environment had on ancient populations.

Explaining epigenetic marks

Epigenetics examines the chemical adjustments to DNA. These modifications are known as epigenetic “marks,” and they contribute to deciding which genes are expressed. Typically, epigenetic marks stay constant throughout a person’s life, but can be altered when environmental factors like diseases, climate and diet come into play. Moreover, if such an alteration is made to sperm or egg DNA, the changes on DNA will become hereditary.

The study looks at these epigenetic marks of ancient humans, and attempts to understand the genes that are expressed during their lives, as well as how environmental factors have molded their physical traits and health properties throughout generations.

Studying epigenetics in North America

The team of scientists searched specifically for the epigenetic mark known as cytosine methylation. They sought this mark in the ancient remains of 30 humans from five archaeological sites throughout North America. The remains ranged from 230 to more then 4,500 years old. Fortunately, the scientists recovered samples of cytosine methylation in a surprising 29 of the remains.

To study these marks, the researchers employed a technique called bisulfite sequencing, a method popularly used to study methylation in modern DNA. Initially, they didn’t think that this technique would work on ancient DNA, as it reduces the DNA. Fortunately, the results proved otherwise.

The successful study proves that examining ancient DNA from concentrate archaeological populations could potentially give us a lot of insight into how natural environments in the past affects populations and societies. This could tell us even more about the lives that ancient humans lived.

Previous studies examining epigenetic marks

One of the most notable studies of epigenetics was of people who suffered from famine in utero during World War II. The study showed striking changes in epigenetics that related directly to diet, metabolism and physical growth. Other current DNA studies show that the changes in epigenetics are related to types of cancer, and potentially to the development of cancer.

Epigenetic Study: How Environments Affected Ancient Humans

U.S.: The Hubble Captures a Collision within the Galaxy -

Hubble is once again proving its worth. A brand new video shows as Hubble captures a collision at high speeds in the center of a black hole. The collision was so fast that astronomers actually missed it. It wasn’t until they pieced together a time-lapse of several frames that the Hubble had captured.

Hubble Captures a Collision within Black Hole Stream

The galaxy is about 260-million light years away from Earth and it’s the one that this supermassive black hole resides in. Eileen Meyer, a scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Maryland was one of the scientists who witnessed the explosion. This collision was the first to be caught on film in an extragalactic jet. Scientists now have the opportunity to see how energy was produced by the collision because Hubble captures a collision of these objects.

When objects fall into a black hole they travel very fast, heating up and they begin to eject a plasma stream or extragalactic jet. However, it is hypothesized that if the movement of the matter falling in is uneven, it creates knots of matter within the plasma stream. The matter moves at different speeds, but all at more than the speed of light. It is believed that a fast knot rear-ended a slower one. These knots are usually ejected from gravitationally compact objects. It is rare for scientists to be able to observe the motion with optical telescopes.

Hubble Captures Images in Ultraviolet

The ultraviolet images from the Hubble captures a collision shows the heart of the M87 galaxy. The jet was seen blasting out in a rather clumpy and sloppy way. One of the knots changed its brightness and increased so much it had blasted ninety times more energy than the black hole has inside it. Scientists believe that another explanation for the collision could be a wandering cloud of gas drifting into the jet and being slammed by particles, which started heating up and pouring out high energy light.

U.S.: The Hubble Captures a Collision within the Galaxy - Clapway

Magnetic Fields Keep Jet Narrow

The magnetic fields that focus the jet compress and squeeze material into the beam, causing it to glow and travel at more than seven times the speed of light. These are theories as to what happened and what caused the explosion of brightness, but no one knows for sure. All is known that the Hubble captures an explosion that would have otherwise been missed by the naked eye and given astronomers something very exciting to study.

U.S.: The Hubble Captures a Collision within the Galaxy

U.S.: Reanalysis Finds Dinosaurs Were Warm Blooded -

Paleontologist Michael D’Emin, PhD. of the Stony Brook University in New York has published a paper in Science journal puts forth the belief that dinosaurs were warm blooded.

Reanalysis of 2014 Science Publication

Dr. D’Emin’s paper is an adventure in reanalysis of a paper published last year in Science on a study of dinosaur metabolism and growth. That study concluded that dinosaurs were neither cold- nor hot-blooded, but were rather somewhere in between and were dubbed “mesothermic.”

Growth Rate Underestimated

Dr. D’Emic is a specialist in bone microanatomy and is a research instructor at the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook. The reanalysis of the data in the 2014 report led him to the conclusion that the growth rate of the dinosaurs studied had been underestimated. Based on the adventure of the analysis of dinosaur bones, he states that dinosaurs, like many animals, do not grow at the same rate every year. The original study had used a scale that compared daily growth rates to yearly rates for comparison standards.

His studies show dinosaur bone growth akin to the circles of growth shown in tree trunks, where growth is dependent upon surrounding environmental conditions. This was one of the reasons that led him to state that dinosaurs were warm-blooded.

Data Comparison Should Have Been Compared to Birds

One of the other problems Dr. D’Emic found with the conclusion was that it was not compared to that of birds, which scientists now agree are the direct descendants of the dinosaurs, and birds are warm blooded. The conclusion that dinosaurs were warm blooded arises from the understanding that today’s birds are dinosaurs that haven’t gone extinct.

Conclusion That Dinosaurs Were Warm Blooded

Although Dr. D’Emic disagreed with the conclusions of the 2014 study, he stated that the data collected provided excellent research information and it was crucial to his conclusion that dinosaurs were warm blooded. Assistant Professor Holly Woodward at the Center for Health Sciences at the Oklahoma State University stated that Dr. D’Emics reanalysis shows how important it is for other scientists to have access to the research of other published data as it provides the opportunity for more hypothesis advancement and testing.

Dr. D’Emic’s main conclusion from reanalyzing the data is that on average, all of the dinosaurs studied up until now have shown more similarities to today’s warm blooded mammals than to cold blooded reptiles. Based on the information currently available, he states that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. The authors of the original study stand by their conclusions. However, it appears that there is at least a consensus that dinosaurs were not cold-blooded like previously believed.

U.S.: Reanalysis Finds Dinosaurs Were Warm Blooded

U.S.: Chrome Extension Map Can Track Your Location -

If you use Facebook Messenger, you’d be aware that a new Google Chrome extension map can track your location via Facebook’s location sharing function. The app is called Marauders Map, after the map in the Harry Potter series that tracks people at Hogwarts. It was created by Harvard College computer science student Aran Khanna.

Marauders Map works by taking Facebook Messenger’s location data from its users and plotting the results on a map. Sharing location data on Facebook is a default setting, so unless a user has turned this feature off manually, it is available for you to track your position as you travel. In fact, this new Chrome extension map is said to be able to track your position within a meter of your location.

Marauders Map Can Track Your Location Accurately

The Marauders Map creator says that he wrote the apps code using latitude and longitude coordinates that had over five decimal places of precision, which means it can track your position extremely accurately as you travel. It has caused alarm since it could potentially allow a person to stalk someone and possibly predict their future travel as long as they had access to the message thread of the person they wanted to locate.

Marauders Map to be Disabled, API Key Revoked

Because of this new function, Mapbox has revoked its API key and it will likely soon be disabled so it can’t find people as they travel. However, Facebook Messenger users should still reset their privacy settings so that their location won’t be shared. Additionally, the source code for the Marauders Map was made available to Github, which means some other developer could modify and use it elsewhere to track your location in another form.

How to Disable Ability to Track Your Location on Facebook

It’s not hard to disable the ability for Facebook Messenger to track your location as you travel so you don’t have to worry about stalkers. Just go to “settings,” then “privacy,” and “location services.” A list of installed apps will be displayed so that can track your location. Just locate Facebook Messenger or any other app you want to disable and make sure it reads “never.”

U.S.: Chrome Extension Map Can Track Your Location

China May Soon Join International Space Station -

United States legislation preventing NASA from collaborating with the China National Space Administration may soon be relaxed.

Historic talks began between the US and China may soon reverse legislation that prevented NASA from working together with the Chinese Space Agency. The policy was written and implemented by the United States Congress in 2011, and it forbade NASA from working in any way whatsoever with China. However, both the US and Russia’s Roscosmos have recently met with China in order to discuss permitting Chinese spacecraft to dock at the space station. Russia has agreed to let Chinese spacecraft dock, while the US is still debating whether or not to go against the old legislation. Still, the United States’ willingness to sit down with China and at least discuss the possibility of working together in space is a far cry from the embargo-like policies our government showed in 2011.

International Space Station talks Between US and China are promising.

The willingness of the two governments to cooperate seems like it may lead to a positive outcome for China. Many, including famous former Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, are optimistic about talks between the two superpowers. It is likely that Chinese astronauts will at least visit the International Space Station in a few years.

China could bring its own spacecraft to the International Space Station

China actually has its own spacecraft capable of docking at ISS, the Shenzhou. If an entire Shenzhou crew were to dock at the space station, the stay would have to be a short one. ISS only has systems capable of housing six astronauts, so a visit any longer than a few weeks would be a bad idea. The alternative to bringing the Chinese-built spacecraft would be to fly a Chinese astronaut or two aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

In that case, the Chinese astronauts could stay for a longer period of time, months instead of weeks. They may even become full crew members, helping the others while living on board. It is unclear which of the scenarios will occur, as talks are still preliminary and China’s wishes aren’t fully known. Either way, it’d be great to see the US, China, and Russia all collaborating together in space in the name of science.

China May Soon Join International Space Station

U.S.: New Species of Prehistoric Beaver Discovered -

Oregon paleontologists found a fossilized skull and a set of teeth from a new species of prehistoric beaver that may have lived in the eastern Oregon area at least 28 million years ago.

New Species Microtheriomys Brevirhinus

The fossils were discovered about a mile from the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument visitor center. This particular prehistoric beaver specimen is thought to be a relative of today’s beaver, which happens to be the state animal of Oregon. The new species has been named Microtheriomys brevirhinus.

Beaver Fossils Will Help Establish Evolutionary Framework

The paleontologists involved in the study of the prehistoric beaver fossil say that analyzing it will help them to determine an evolutionary framework for the beaver species. Its age was determined by dating the layers of volcanic ash located in the area through radioactive isotope testing.

All of the fossils of the prehistoric beaver were discovered in the northern hemisphere, and the information on them was printed in the May 2015 copy of Annals of Carnegie Museum.

The excavation site includes a stretch of wasteland that undergoes changes in the clay ground. The clay tends to shrink or swell depending on the temperature, causing the fossils and bones to be pushed up and out into the air where they can be found. This is how the prehistoric beaver fossil was found.

Differences between modern and prehistoric beaver

The prehistoric beaver appears to be half the size of today’s beavers. The paleontologists say it is related to a species of beaver that came to North America via the Bering land bridge around seven million years ago. It would have lived among other prehistoric creatures such as three-toed horses, two-horned rhinos, sabretooth tigers, and other early mammals.

This prehistoric beaver species will help enhance our understanding of the beaver’s evolution, according to the scientists from the University of Oregon behind the study. The area of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is rich in previous fossil finds, as hundreds of other fossils from around 100 different mammals have been discovered there in the past.

U.S.: New Species of Prehistoric Beaver Discovered

#Traveling? Studying #abroad or in a long-distance #relationship? This new invention will help you connect with people you #love no matter the distance. -

Living far away from the people you love can be tough. Whether you’re in a long distance relationship, studying abroad or traveling around the world, scheduling a time to really sit down and reconnect is a seemingly impossible task. The makers of Filimin, however, seek to change all that with their new and innovative product.


Filimin is a simple and decorative light that changes color with a single touch. Its main function, however, is to connect you with the people you care about – not through an email, phone call or notification – but rather, a single, one-second gesture.

How does it work? Well, each light is wifi-enabled, so that it can connect to a group of other Filimins, no matter where in the world they are located. Touching your Filimin will cause it to glow one of hundreds of possible colors. When one lights up, all the Filimins in that same group will also do the same. That way, your loved ones will know that you are thinking about them. The color of the light will also change more dramatically whenever a member of your family responds by also touching his or her Filimin.


Furthermore, you can buy your Filimin as a connected set or individually – just simply tell the makers what group to associate yours with. You can also choose to have as many or as few lights in your group as possible. Also, since Filimin communicates a gesture of love with no words, you and the people you care about can essentially choose the meaning of your interaction. Maybe you’ll use the light to let your mom know you’re ready for a Skype call, or that you are thinking of her while you’re in school. Perhaps, it will be a way for you to communicate with your significant other – to tell them a simple, “I love you,” without interrupting their day with a phone call or long email.  In a chaotic, bustling world, this gadget is just what we need; it is the simplest and most innovative way to stay in touch and connect with people even when you’re located thousands of miles away.

Here’s a closer look at what the Filimin can do. Connect with people you love all over the world.

Connect With People You Love No Matter Where You Are