Friday, May 29, 2015

#Traveling? Studying #abroad or in a long-distance #relationship? This new invention will help you connect with people you #love no matter the distance. -

Living far away from the people you love can be tough. Whether you’re in a long distance relationship, studying abroad or traveling around the world, scheduling a time to really sit down and reconnect is a seemingly impossible task. The makers of Filimin, however, seek to change all that with their new and innovative product.


Filimin is a simple and decorative light that changes color with a single touch. Its main function, however, is to connect you with the people you care about – not through an email, phone call or notification – but rather, a single, one-second gesture.

How does it work? Well, each light is wifi-enabled, so that it can connect to a group of other Filimins, no matter where in the world they are located. Touching your Filimin will cause it to glow one of hundreds of possible colors. When one lights up, all the Filimins in that same group will also do the same. That way, your loved ones will know that you are thinking about them. The color of the light will also change more dramatically whenever a member of your family responds by also touching his or her Filimin.


Furthermore, you can buy your Filimin as a connected set or individually – just simply tell the makers what group to associate yours with. You can also choose to have as many or as few lights in your group as possible. Also, since Filimin communicates a gesture of love with no words, you and the people you care about can essentially choose the meaning of your interaction. Maybe you’ll use the light to let your mom know you’re ready for a Skype call, or that you are thinking of her while you’re in school. Perhaps, it will be a way for you to communicate with your significant other – to tell them a simple, “I love you,” without interrupting their day with a phone call or long email.  In a chaotic, bustling world, this gadget is just what we need; it is the simplest and most innovative way to stay in touch and connect with people even when you’re located thousands of miles away.

Here’s a closer look at what the Filimin can do. Connect with people you love all over the world.

Connect With People You Love No Matter Where You Are

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