Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Google Self-Driving Car Could"ve Saved Stephanie Seymour -

Supermodel Stephanie Seymour has been arrested for drunk driving, and it’s safe to say the Google self-driving car could’ve prevented this. The new technology is really relevant right now, were DUIs are commonly given out.

The World Needs Self-Driving Cars like Google’s

The arrest was made this past weekend in Connecticut after the supermodel crashed her SUV into another car on the I-95 in Greenwich. There were no injuries. The police report says that Seymore refused to take sobriety tests. However, her eyes were bloodshot and her breath smelled of liquor. Seymour was released on a $500 bond but is due at court on February 2.

This occurrence is much too common. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, there were 10,076 deaths connected to drunk driving in 2013. The organization recently released two studies where it was revealed that the use of marijuana and prescription drugs had been more prominent while drunk driving. This raises many questions for what safe driving really means.

Self-Driving And Semi-Autonomous Driving is the Future

A car that can be even semi-autonomous could decimate the number of deaths caused by reckless driving. New models out of Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen have collision prevention features that bring the car to an automatic stop when it gets too close to another car.

These kinds of safety features will save lives by the hundreds. Electric and hybrid cars are already doing their part for the environment, but it’s time car makers developed to keep humans safe from each other. One out of every three deaths related to drunk driving happen on highway roads, so cars that know when the driver is hitting dangerous territory could be the difference between life and death.

Google Might Be Teaming Up with Ford to Put More Self-Driving Cars on the Roads

Google recently announced a partnership with Ford. Both companies are expected to work together in the Google self-driving car effort. Not many details have been released, but this could hint at Google making a self-driving car for the consumer market. Surely, both companies will be releasing updates to what this partnership will be making as 2016 moves along.

Self Driving Google Car Clapway

Google Self-Driving Car Could"ve Saved Stephanie Seymour

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