Tuesday, January 19, 2016

This Girl is as Indestructible as Batman or Superman - http://clapway.com/2016/01/19/this-girl-is-as-indestructible-as-batman-or-superman-123/

A little girl from Great Britain has been given the nickname ‘bionic girl’, for being able to resist injury at the levels of Superman and Batman. Olivia Farnsworth has baffled doctors and people all over the country for never feeling pain, hunger or fatigue.

Bionic Girl is Like Superman or Batman’s Lost Daughter!

The seven-year-old can go for three days without sleeping without a problem. Her parents actually have to give her medication for sleeping. She has survived nasty falls, and even got run over and dragged by a car! The only injury she had after the accident was a bit of lost skin on her hip and toe. Otherwise, Olivia just walked away from the scene of the accident without even crying.

Olivia has been diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic condition called chromosome 6 deletion. This means that her 6th chromosome is damaged or missing entirely. This can cause developmental delay and learning difficulties. In Olivia’s case, it looks like it also blocks sleep signals, hunger signals and pain signals.

Superhuman Girl

How does the child manage to escape danger with only a few scrapes? The only explanation doctors have right now is the following: because Olivia didn’t tense up upon impact, she was less prone to severe injury. This doesn’t mean that she’s completely scar free. Olivia once went through a bad fall that caused her lip to be almost completely ripped off, and it was corrected through plastic surgery. She had no complaints about the pain. Seriously, only the likes of Batman and Superman could share similar stories.

The bionic girl feels no hunger. Food has to be specifically given to her because she doesn’t recognize the feeling of being hungry. She also never feels tired, as she once stayed up for three days straight with absolutely no sleep. At this point, her parents gave her sleep-aids. Medically induced sleep can be dangerous, but doctors aren’t sure how to go about her condition.

Like Superman, She Has Her Kryptonite

Her superpowers don’t come without drawbacks. Olivia is prone to violent outbursts, much like how children with autism do. According to her family, she can go all out giving out kicks and punches and swearing. This can lead to bullying in public, getting laughed at and being made fun of, which no child appreciates. This case will be followed up closely, but it is a true show of how amazing the human body is. Her family is currently raising awareness of other kids with chromosome 6 deletion.

Superwoman Clapway 2


This Girl is as Indestructible as Batman or Superman

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