Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ohio Makes People Belive They Need A Flu Vaccine -

The season that nobody looks forward to is alive and well, flu and cold season. Thousands of people across the world get sick every year and, unfortunately, some end up dying from whatever sickness they have. The flu vaccine is always recommended by doctors and health officials, but it is safe to say not everyone takes it and believes in it.

Image: PhotoLizM
Image: PhotoLizM


As the Franklin County Health Commissioner for Ohio Susan Tilgner states, many people do not take the flu vaccine because they claim that they never get sick. Tilgner states that people simply underestimate the flu and the massive problems that it can cause. She continues and says that for these people who finally get it, that it just simply takes everything out of you. There was actually a survey taken by Truven Health Analytics and National Public Radio that revealed that 48 percent of the people who participated said they would not get the flu vaccine because they deemed it unnecessary. Also, the survey revealed that only a startling 16 percent of the people were worried about the side effects. What Tilgner was mainly trying to say to these naysayers out there was even though they do not get sick, if they do get sick they will regret not taking the flu vaccine. She also went on record as to warn people that if they did not take the vaccine this year that they could get nailed this year.


There is no denying that the flu is a lethal sickness that can lead to death if it is serious enough. However, is the flu vaccine really worth it? The author of this article never takes it and has not had the flu in years, knock on wood. There have also been various stories around the web that have stated that people who get the vaccine, immediately get the flu. It then has to be considered that the flu vaccine can be risky to take. The choice is yours, are you going to get a flu vaccine shot this year?

Ohio Makes People Belive They Need A Flu Vaccine

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