Thursday, June 25, 2015

And how you can, too! -

Biking Like The Dutch Just Might Be The Answer!

The first thing people associate The Netherlands with is biking. It is not an exaggeration to say that bikes are the primary mean of transportation for almost every single Dutch, regardless of age or gender. In fact, in a country where bikes are more common than people and is geographically the flattest in Europe, it comes as no surprise. But biking just might be the answer!

Having lived in Utrecht, one of the country’s most charming cities and a suggested destination for anyone visiting The Netherlands, I have used my bike more than I used my feet or any other kind of transport mode. Night buses do not exist there, despite being one of the country’s biggest student cities, so biking back home after a night out is as normal for a Dutchie as a cup of coffee is for us every morning.

Recent findings from the country’s biggest university

The University of Utrecht is the largest higher education institution in The Netherlands, and a study from there recently discovered that Dutch bikers (or just the Dutch) live on average six months longer just because of their daily activity. Also, the study found out that in the Netherlands, as many as 11,000 premature deaths yearly are preventable thanks to biking.

The incredible infrastructure across the country makes biking extremely easy and it has become, throughout the years, a huge aspect of Dutch culture.

I often read articles on Denmark being a “bikers heaven”, but after moving to Jutland (one of the country’s regions) straight after living in Holland, I realised how those who think Denmark is the best country for biking have definitely not travelled to The Netherlands yet.

Biking also reduces polution

Biking has also other great benefits, such has reducing emissions in the atmosphere, contributing to greener and healthier environments. This has greater implications for bigger cities, where traffic is the biggest cause of air pollution. For this reason, mayors of large capitals such as London are pushing the use of bicycles and the development of proper infrastructure as much as possible. 

Cycling for a happier and healthier lifestyle

Also, very interestingly, one of the reasons why the countries in the north are considered among the happiest in the world (The Netherlands was ranked fourth last year), is because biking, as all sport activities do, triggers endorphins which are known for generating feelings of happiness in your body. Therefore, since this sport is a very big part of almost everyone’s daily life here, this could somehow explain why they are considered so happy on a world basis.

So as many of us are squashed on the subway every morning or running to catch the bus because we slept in, adopting a few tips for a healthier lifestyle from the Dutch might be a solution. And, why even compare a packed, stinky train carriage to the freedom of a morning bike ride?


Get properly woken up for your morning commute with SensorWake:

How The Dutch are Nailing the Perfect Lifestyle

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