Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"In case no one ever told you, you can’t cheat your way through life." - http://clapway.com/2015/06/30/3-reasons-why-you-really-should-not-fast/

Trying to lose weight? Want to be healthier? It turns out fasting may be in style, and quite beneficial to your diet. A new study suggest that fasting may actually be good for you. People eat normally and then once every few weeks they fast, tricking their body into thinking it’s starving.

According to Valter Longo, the fast-mimicking strategy has been proven to work. When Longo and his team rotated between giving yeast a nutrient medium and fasting them, they lived longer. In mice, researchers saw elevated levels of stem cells, which could possibly mean that the starvation like diet eliminated old, weaker cells in order for young healthy cells to surface. These mice also had less fat, fewer cancers, and less bone density loss. Although this study claims that fasting has a number of benefits, here are three reasons why you really should not fast:

1. Bad Breath

I know we have all experienced the disgusting taste that is left in our mouth when we go long periods of time without eating. That horrid taste, and smell, is not beneficial to you or anyone near you. When you fast, your body goes into ketosis mode and your blood becomes more acidic; which causes bad breath. You may lose the weight but no one will want to be around you if your breath smells like road kill.

2. Weight Loss is Temporary

The weight you lose, from fasting, is mainly water and stored carbohydrates. So as soon as you start to eat normally again, your weight will return to its previous state. In case no one ever told you, you can’t cheat your way through life. You should not fast in order to cut corners. You have to work hard to achieve your body goals.

3 Reasons Why You Really Should Not Fast - Clapway

3. Stress Increases

The change in your eating habits and lack of food and water can result in less sleep. Less sleep means you become stressed out and easily irritated. Even if you get the body you want, your personality will drive people away.

The study conducted by Longo and his team presents many benefits to fasting. But I think the cons outweigh the pros. If you want to lose weight, work out. If you want to build muscle, work out. If you want the body of your dreams, just work out. I have given you three reasons why you really should not fast, take them.


Maybe Pavlok can help you lose weight:

3 Reasons Why You Really Should Not Fast

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