Saturday, June 27, 2015

Are E-Cigarettes Bad for Your Health? -

Ever since their introduction into the market, electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have raised a lot of questions from the health community. They have been both credited as a potential tool against smoking and deemed a gateway for those to begin smoking again. Either way they are looked at, the main question is to whether or not they are harmful to the health of those who use them.

Since their introduction, there has been a noticeable decline in the sale of traditional cigarettes. This is perhaps true due to those who want an alternative to the addictive and potentially deadly cigarette.


Electronic cigarettes use battery powered heating elements to vaporize a solution of either vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol with nicotine and added flavors.

Electronic cigarettes’ introduction into the world of smoking has been marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking actual cigarettes.

THERE’S A LOT TO CHOOSE FROM, complicating matters

There are currently about 500 different brands of electronic cigarettes offered in over 7,000 flavors. These different brands offer flavors often involving mixtures of nicotine, carcinogens and other toxins, just like the real cigarette.


So, can that really mean that vaporized tobacco is that much better for your health than actual cigarettes? According to the recent reports that have been released, the answer is likely a negative one. A lot of research has recently been done to see the effects of these electronic cigarettes.


The sheer number and variety of different brands and flavors being offered has made it difficult for researchers to make a clear assessment of this technology’s health impacts.

There aren’t any studies showing the long term effects of electronic cigarette smoking, but it is known that the overall effect on the body is negative. The lack of studies showing the long term effects has the health community at odds with each other. Some of the other studies that have been done have been compromised by conflicts of interest. Either way, the State of California issued a warning against e-cigarettes back in January, stating that they are harmful and can easily lead to nicotine poisoning. Especially strong was the state’s warning against leaving E-cigarettes within the reach of children.


Okay, so E-cigarettes aren’t as healthy as you may have thought. Know what is healthy, though? Staying fit. Combine that with getting around, and you’ve got a winning combination. Check out the Australian Penny skateboard.

Are E-Cigarettes Bad for Your Health?

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