Friday, June 26, 2015

Most People Don"t Understand Sunscreen Labels -

Scientists Urge Clearer Labels

Maybe you use sunscreen often, for the beach or the pool or just spending time outside. But do you actually understand what it is that sunscreen does? Not to cast doubts, but statistically, probably not! A recent study shows that an astonishing 80% of people do not actually know what SPF means. In light of this development, some scientists believe clearer sunscreen labels need to be established so as to help people understand what it is they’re using. One particular scientist, Jayne Lawrence of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, went so far as to essentially do away with SPF on sunscreen labels and instead just use a low-very high rating, and that while our general awareness of sunscreen is a good thing, our lack of understanding could become a barrier.

What About SPF Confuses Us?

Most sunscreens work to protect us from UVB rays that can cause skin cancer. However, UVB rays aren’t the only cause, as UVA rays are also a factor. But over 80 percent of those polled did not understand this- 56% believed SPF refers to both UVB and UVA rays, and 25% just did not understand it at all. A mere 8 percent accurately recognized that the SPF rating on sunscreen labels only protects you from UVB rays. Recently, a star rating had been imposed on sunscreen labels to note whether or not the sunscreen will protect you from UVA rays.

What Else Don’t We Know About Sunscreen Labels?

So yes, 80% of us don’t know what SPF (Sun Protection Factor) means exactly. However, that’s not the only thing we’re unsure of with regards to our sunscreen labels. 25 percent of people, according to this study, didn’t even know that’s what SPF stands for! The study showed that while yes, we are very aware of the concept of sunscreen, our lack of knowledge regarding sunscreen labels is worrisome. 15 percent of those polled who have children revealed that they have not ever checked sunscreen labels for extra UVA protection. Less than half of the over 2,000 adults in the survey said they often or always use sunscreen. We still have a long way to go in understanding the importance of our sunscreen labels.



When you can’t get the health benefits of the Sun because you’re stuck indoors, turn to the LifeLight!

Most People Don"t Understand Sunscreen Labels

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