Monday, October 26, 2015

Bacon Gives You Cancer -

The last episode of Epic Meal Time aired a week ago, and if you were looking one more sign to stop you from reaching out towards those stripes of fried bacon, this is it. The World Health Organization announced that processed meats, such as cured cold cuts, bacon, sausages and maybe even red meat could increase chances of contracting bowel cancer by 18%.

That’s a higher risk of serious illness from three stripes of the fried goodies.

Possibly All Red Meat is Puts You At Risk of Colorectal Cancer

The world has been coming at the yummier fried foods in life and linking them to things like diabetes, hypertension and cancer, and it look like that cold cut platter from your favorite Italian restaurant will have to join that list as well.

Sexy cook. Hungry. - clapway

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) compiled a review of over 800 studies on the connection between a meat diet and cancer, and the results support the suggestion to limit our daily intake of meat. Kurt Straif, IARC official, added that in view of the large number of people who consume processed meat, the announcement of the cancer incidence tied to this consumption is of utmost importance. The actual figures indicate that the chances of contracting cancer from eating processed meats is statistically small but increases as the amount of meat consumed increases.

For every 1.8oz of processed meat eaten daily, the agency declared, the risks of colorectal cancer increases by 18%. The WHO even added that red meat might result in similar figures as well.

Details on the IARC Report

The report, carried out by 22 experts from 10 countries, revealed strong mechanistic evidence supporting a carcinogenic effect caused by red meat consumption. The evidence pointed specifically to cancer of the colon and rectum, but pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer were also likely.

So let’s start looking more closely our intake of beef, veal, pork and lamb, and steer clear of mutton, horse and goat.

Strips Of Fried Bacon - clapway

On processed meat, the Lyon-based agency declared that there was sufficient evidence that consumption of it causes colorectal cancer in humans. This would include any meat processed by salting, curing, fermenting or smoking like hot dogs, sausages, corned beef, beef jerky, canned meat or meat-based sauces. And our beloved bacon.

Some Omnivores Can’t Live Without Red Meat, But Excess is Always Bad

Red meat is a vital part of human nutrition and an important source of protein to omnivores. This test should highlight that, as it always is, everything in excess is harmful, and that government and regulatory agencies should look over and examine the kind of meat that is sold, how it is produced and where it comes from.

It wasn’t clear whether or not the method of cooking affected the risks of contracting cancer, but the agency ultimately put processed meat on the same tier as tobacco smoke and asbestos when it comes to cancer-causing agents.

A little dramatic, since the agency later stressed that did not mean that processed meat is as dangerous as tobacco smoke or asbestos, but we really don’t need that extra bacon strip, do we?

Stay Healthy! Clapway Trends Reviews the Nutribullet

Bacon Gives You Cancer

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